
Free dial-in to WebEx

The following video demonstrates how to dial into a WebEx online meeting without using the WebEx client.

In some countries, there are no toll-free numbers for people to call. Not having toll-free numbers can be problematic for people with issues with their connection or the WebEx client is not working for them.

From our experience, we noticed that there is usually a US-based toll-free number available for most WebEx meetings (a cheaper package for the owner, maybe). Considering some people’s problems and the US-based toll-free number, we propose dialing in to the meeting via Viber.

Viber offers a service called “Viber Out.” This service allows you to phone call almost anywhere globally as if you were performing a local call (so you get lower rates).

Our proposal is the following since WebEx offers toll-free numbers for the US, then use “Viber Out” to perform that free call and join your meeting. To the best of our knowledge, Viber should not charge you as their partners should not charge them for this call.

Hope it helps; it helped us!

We cannot be sure if Viber will change its policy in the future, so be sure to check where and when you use your financial tools.

A very good reason to avoid Google Pixel 6 and get a Google Pixel 5 instead

After reading this help center page (Choose the upload size of your photos & videos):

We realized that while Google provides free storage for Google photos (one way or the other) to older versions of Google Pixel phones (including version 5), they do not offer any free storage for their newest series, Google Pixel 6.

Having a phone with a fantastic camera but being unable to use the backup mechanism freely without paying sucks. The more one user operates the camera, the more space they will require, making their account storage fill up.

For this reason, as Google Pixel Series 5 has a decent camera, we strongly consider purchasing an older phone and saving money in the long run through the free backup mechanism for photos.

Login to ‘CytaVoda WiFi’ with no password using your SIM card 1

Using Android devices that carry Cytamobile-Vodafone SIM cards with active RED and BLACK plans, you can connect to the CytaVoda WiFi using SIM authentication instead of using a password.

To do so

  • from the Wi-Fi manager of your cell phone click to connect on the CytaVoda WiFi network
  • at the new window click on the drop-down named EAP method
  • and select the option SIM
  • finally click on the Connect button.

The system will validate you and no further steps needed.

You will notice that your Wi-Fi manager will show a slightly different window than the usual when you click to connect on the network. This is normal as the network offers multiple authentication methods and it is giving you the option to choose which one to use. Of course, we do not know the password and the purpose of this post is to demonstrate the SIM authentication method.

The CytaVoda WiFi has a drawback, it does not offer unlimited data to the users.
Depending on what your SIM plan is, you will have a different monthly data allowance which is renewed every 1st of the month.

The data allowance limits that were applied at the time this post was written, were the following:

  • 200MB for: RED 1
  • 500MB for: RED 2
  • 1GB (1024MB) for: RED 3
  • 2GB (2048MB) for: RED 4 / RED Family / RED Plus / BLACK

You can check the amount of CytaVoda WiFi data that you consumed and the remaining data at the page