
The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140_2.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.


Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is a free and open-source streaming and recording software that is widely used by content creators. It allows users to record and stream high-quality videos and is compatible with various platforms. However, users may encounter issues while installing or using OBS on WIndows systems. One such issue is the missing MSVCP140_2.dll file error.

In this blog post, we will discuss this error in detail and provide a solution to fix it.

Error Description

When a user tries to install or launch OBS on their computer, they may encounter the following error message:

The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140_2.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.

This error occurs because the system is missing the MSVCP140_2.dll file, which is a part of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package. OBS requires this package to function properly.


To fix the missing MSVCP140_2.dll error in OBS, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Download the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages.

Visit the Microsoft website and download the following package:

Make sure to download the 64-bit version of each package that matches your system architecture.

Step 2: Install the Packages

After downloading the packages, install them on your computer by following the on-screen instructions.

Step 3: Restart OBS

After installing the packages, restart OBS and try launching it again. The missing MSVCP140_2.dll error should be resolved, and OBS should function properly.


In conclusion, the missing MSVCP140_2.dll error is a common issue while installing or using OBS. This error occurs because the system lacks the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package. To fix this error, download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 (64-bit version) from the Microsoft website. After installing these packages, restart OBS, and the error should be resolved.

Glaciator, an AI-Generated Pokemon






Glaciator is a quadrupedal dragon-like Pokemon with a body made entirely of ice. It has a long, thick tail and sharp, icy claws. Its head has two large, curved horns, and its eyes are a bright blue. Its breath is made of freezing mist.


Glaciator has the ability “Frostbite,” which allows it to freeze its opponents and weaken them. Its ice attacks are also significantly stronger than those of other ice-type Pokemon. It also has a strong defense and a special defense stat.


Glaciator is weak to fire and rock-type moves, as well as dragon-type moves. Its ice body makes it vulnerable to melting in hot temperatures.


Glaciator evolves from a Pokemon called “Frostbite,” which is ice-type Pokemon.


Automatic generation of phone background images using ImageMagick


#Once upon a time, there was a script that had a mission to create some wallpapers. First, it created a variable called "EXPORT_FOLDER" and assigned it the value "Wallpapers". Then, it made a new directory called "Wallpapers" where it would save the wallpapers it creates.



#The script defined two variables, "FLOOR" and "CEILING" and assigned them the values of -180 and 180 respectively. It also created a variable "RANGE" which was the difference between CEILING and FLOOR + 1. Additionally, it created two variables "WALLPAPER_WIDTH" and "WALLPAPER_HEIGHT" and assigned them 1440 and 3040 respectively, which would be the size of the wallpapers it creates.



#The script then began its main task: a loop that would run 10 times. Within the loop, it would create a variable "RESULT" and assign it a random number using the $RANDOM variable. Then, it would use the modulo operator to calculate the remainder of dividing "RESULT" by "RANGE", and assigns the result back to "RESULT". Next, it would add "FLOOR" to "RESULT" and assigns it back to "RESULT".

for i in {1..10}
 let "RESULT %= $RANGE";

 #After all these calculations, the script uses the convert command from the ImageMagick suite to generate an image using the plasma:fractal with a blur of 0x2 and swirl of "RESULT" and shave 20x20 pixels from the edges. The generated image is saved to "$EXPORT_FOLDER/plasma_swirl_$i.jpg".
 convert -size "$WALLPAPER_WIDTH"x"$WALLPAPER_HEIGHT"  plasma:fractal -blur 0x2  -swirl $RESULT  -shave 20x20  "$EXPORT_FOLDER/plasma_swirl_$i.jpg";

 #Finally, the script used the convert command again to composite two other images "ByteFreaks.net_.png" and "cropped-ByteFreaks.net_.png" onto the plasma_swirl_$i.jpg and saves the result as "lock_$i.jpg" and "home_$i.jpg". And after 10 loops of all these steps, the script had successfully created 10 unique and interesting wallpapers, saving them all in the "Wallpapers" folder. The script was proud of its accomplishment and the wallpapers were enjoyed by many.

 convert "$EXPORT_FOLDER/plasma_swirl_$i.jpg"  "ByteFreaks.net_.png" -gravity southeast -geometry +333+1600 -composite "$EXPORT_FOLDER/lock_$i.jpg";

 convert "$EXPORT_FOLDER/plasma_swirl_$i.jpg"  "cropped-ByteFreaks.net_.png" -gravity southeast -geometry +0+0 -composite "$EXPORT_FOLDER/home_$i.jpg";


This script is written in Bash and it does the following:

  1. It creates a variable called “EXPORT_FOLDER” and assigns it the value “Wallpapers”.
  2. It creates a directory with the name of the variable “EXPORT_FOLDER” (i.e. “Wallpapers”).
  3. It creates two variables, “FLOOR” and “CEILING” and assigns them the values of -180 and 180 respectively. It also creates a variable “RANGE” which is the difference between CEILING and FLOOR + 1.
  4. It creates two variables “WALLPAPER_WIDTH” and “WALLPAPER_HEIGHT” and assigns them 1440 and 3040 respectively.
  5. It starts a loop that runs 10 times. Within the loop, it does the following:
    • It creates a variable “RESULT” and assigns it a random number using the $RANDOM variable.
    • It uses the modulo operator to calculate the remainder of dividing “RESULT” by “RANGE”, and assigns the result back to “RESULT”.
    • It adds “FLOOR” to “RESULT” and assigns it back to “RESULT”
    • It uses the convert command from the ImageMagick suite to generate an image using the plasma:fractal with a blur of 0x2 and swirl of “RESULT” and shave 20×20 pixels from the edges. The generated image is saved to “$EXPORT_FOLDER/plasma_swirl_$i.jpg”
    • It then uses the convert command again to composite two other images “ByteFreaks.net_.png” and “cropped-ByteFreaks.net_.png” onto the plasma_swirl_$i.jpg and saves the result as “lock_$i.jpg” and “home_$i.jpg”

In short, this script creates 10 jpg images by applying a swirl effect on a fractal plasma image and compositing two other images onto it. These images are saved in the “Wallpapers” folder.

Using minicom to connect to Cisco Console

sudo minicom --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate 9600 --8bit;

sudo is a command that allows the user to run another command with superuser privileges.

minicom is a terminal emulation program that allows the user to communicate with a serial device.
The --device flag followed by /dev/ttyUSB0 specifies the serial device that minicom should use for communication.
The --baudrate flag followed by 9600 specifies the baud rate (i.e. the speed at which data is transmitted) of the serial connection.
The --8bit flag sets the number of data bits to 8.

So this command is running minicom as a superuser, connecting to the device at “/dev/ttyUSB0” with a baud rate of 9600 and 8-bit data

In addition to the command line arguments above, we had to ensure that flow control (both hardware and software) was off and no parity was given.