
Install fallback version for JetBrains products using snap

In this video, we demonstrate to the user where they can find their JetBrains fallback license and the fallback versions of the products they had purchased in the past.

After finding the list, the user has a couple of options to proceed.
They can either download the archives from the website or install the correct version using a package manager like snap.

To install using snap, the first thing to do is call the snap info command and get the list of available versions or the available channels as they are called in snap.

snap info phpstorm;
$ snap info phpstorm 
name:      phpstorm
summary:   PhpStorm
publisher: jetbrains✓
license:   Proprietary
description: |
  PhpStorm is a PHP IDE that actually ‘gets’ your code. It supports PHP 5.3-7.2, provides on-the-fly
  error prevention, best autocompletion & code refactoring, zero configuration debugging, and an
  extended HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editor.
snap-id: qYt8GFdYX5B4J7mm6S6F4r4vAwnG5IgV
  latest/stable:    2021.3      2021-12-02 (245) 607MB classic
  latest/candidate: 2021.3      2021-12-02 (245) 607MB classic
  latest/beta:      2021.3      2021-12-02 (245) 607MB classic
  latest/edge:      2021.3      2021-12-02 (245) 607MB classic
  2021.3/stable:    2021.3      2021-12-02 (245) 607MB classic
  2021.3/candidate: 2021.3      2021-12-02 (245) 607MB classic
  2021.3/beta:      2021.3      2021-12-02 (245) 607MB classic
  2021.3/edge:      2021.3      2021-12-02 (245) 607MB classic
  2021.2/stable:    2021.2.3    2021-10-15 (238) 476MB classic
  2021.2/candidate: 2021.2.4-RC 2021-12-15 (246) 481MB classic
  2021.2/beta:      2021.2.4-RC 2021-12-15 (246) 481MB classic
  2021.2/edge:      2021.2.4-RC 2021-12-15 (246) 481MB classic
  2021.1/stable:    2021.1.4    2021-06-30 (222) 475MB classic
  2021.1/candidate: 2021.1.4    2021-06-30 (222) 475MB classic
  2021.1/beta:      2021.1.4    2021-06-30 (222) 475MB classic
  2021.1/edge:      2021.1.4    2021-06-30 (222) 475MB classic
  2020.3/stable:    2020.3.3    2021-03-16 (208) 425MB classic
  2020.3/candidate: 2020.3.3    2021-03-16 (208) 425MB classic
  2020.3/beta:      2020.3.3    2021-03-16 (208) 425MB classic
  2020.3/edge:      2020.3.3    2021-03-16 (208) 425MB classic
  2020.2/stable:    2020.2.4    2020-11-25 (191) 373MB classic
  2020.2/candidate: 2020.2.4    2020-11-25 (191) 373MB classic
  2020.2/beta:      2020.2.4    2020-11-25 (191) 373MB classic
  2020.2/edge:      2020.2.4    2020-11-25 (191) 373MB classic
  2020.1/stable:    2020.1.4    2020-07-22 (173) 348MB classic
  2020.1/candidate: 2020.1.4    2020-07-22 (173) 348MB classic
  2020.1/beta:      2020.1.4    2020-07-22 (173) 348MB classic
  2020.1/edge:      2020.1.4    2020-07-22 (173) 348MB classic
  2019.3/stable:    2019.3.4    2020-03-18 (151) 341MB classic
  2019.3/candidate: ↑                                  
  2019.3/beta:      ↑                                  
  2019.3/edge:      ↑                                  
  2019.2/stable:    2019.2.5    2019-11-22 (130) 325MB classic
  2019.2/candidate: ↑                                  
  2019.2/beta:      ↑                                  
  2019.2/edge:      ↑                                  
  2019.1/stable:    2019.1.4    2021-02-26 (115) 281MB classic
  2019.1/candidate: ↑                                  
  2019.1/beta:      ↑                                  
  2019.1/edge:      ↑                                  
  2018.3/stable:    2018.3.6    2019-04-11  (93) 273MB classic
  2018.3/candidate: ↑                                  
  2018.3/beta:      ↑                                  
  2018.3/edge:      ↑                                  
  2018.2/stable:    2018.2.7    2019-04-11  (94) 272MB classic
  2018.2/candidate: ↑                                  
  2018.2/beta:      ↑                                  
  2018.2/edge:      ↑                                  
  2018.1/stable:    2018.1.7    2018-12-04  (73) 264MB classic
  2018.1/candidate: ↑                                  
  2018.1/beta:      ↑                                  
  2018.1/edge:      ↑                                  
  2017.3/stable:    2017.3.7    2018-12-04  (72) 263MB classic
  2017.3/candidate: ↑                                  
  2017.3/beta:      ↑                                  
  2017.3/edge:      ↑                                  

From there, the user needs to select any of the versions available up to the version number that their JetBrains profile mentions they can get. For this demo, we chose version 2020.3/stable (2020.3/stable: 2020.3.3 2021-03-16 (208) 425MB classic), which was the maximum version allowed for our license. The installation command of that specific version using snap is as follows:

sudo snap install phpstorm --channel=2020.3/stable --classic;

We had to add the classic flag as instructed by the version we decided to install.

This revision of snap "phpstorm" was published using classic confinement and thus may perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to, which may put your system at risk.

Create a project using Symfony website-skeleton version 4 and then create a docker image out of it

This guide will present the steps we followed on a GNU/Linux Ubuntu 20.04LTS to create a new project out of the Symfony website skeleton and then create a new docker application image of it.

Install core dependecies

Install php-cli instead of php as we do not want to install the additional dependencies of php like apache2.
p7zip-full is needed for the package manager of composer later on. If it is missing, we will be getting one of the following errors:

Failed to download symfony/requirements-checker from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.
As there is no 'unzip' nor '7z' command installed zip files are being unpacked using the PHP zip extension.

php-xml will be required later on while creating the skeleton project for Symfony. If it is missing, you will get the following error:

symfony/framework-bundle requires ext-xml * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's xml extension
sudo apt install php-cli php-xml p7zip-full;

Composer is a PHP utility for managing dependencies. It allows you to indicate the libraries your project relies on, and it will take care of installing and updating them. To fast install it, open a terminal and type the following command:

curl -Ss | php;
# Moving the composer into the /usr/local/bin/ folder will allow us to access it from any folder later on as that folder is in the default PATH variable.
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer;

Symfony provides a tool to check if your operating system meets the required requirements rapidly. In addition, if suitable, the tool makes installation recommendations. To install the tool, run the following command:

composer require symfony/requirements-checker;
$ composer require symfony/requirements-checker;
Using version ^2.0 for symfony/requirements-checker
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update symfony/requirements-checker
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Lock file operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Locking symfony/requirements-checker (v2.0.1)
Writing lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing symfony/requirements-checker (v2.0.1): Extracting archive
Generating autoload files
1 package you are using is looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!

Once done, you can safely delete the requirements-checker:

composer remove symfony/requirements-checker;

Create the Symfony project

Using the basic skeleton, you can create a minimal Symfony project with the following command. We install the latest version of version 4.4 of the website skeleton project in this example. We found the list of versions here

composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton=4.4.99 symfony-skeleton;

When we got the following warning, we typed y, not sure what changes, so we stayed with the default option:

  -  WARNING  symfony/mailer (>=4.3): From
    The recipe for this package contains some Docker configuration.

    This may create/update docker-compose.yml or update Dockerfile (if it exists).

    Do you want to include Docker configuration from recipes?
    [y] Yes
    [n] No
    [p] Yes permanently, never ask again for this project
    [x] No permanently, never ask again for this project
    (defaults to y): y

Then you need to run the following commands to install all dependencies and execute the project:

cd symfony-skeleton;
composer install;
composer require --dev symfony/web-server-bundle;
php bin/console server:start *:8000;

By now, you should see in a browser the landing page of your skeleton project.

# Stop the php webserver and release the port, we will need it later on.
php bin/console server:stop;

Install docker on Ubuntu

First of all, make sure your system is clean and remove any old versions:

sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc;
# You might want to execute `sudo apt autoremove -y;` as well to cleanup everything. We cannot ask everyone to do so as we are not sure of what complications it might have on each computer+software configurations.

We will be installing docker by adding its repositories to our system:

sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release;
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg;
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null;
sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli;
sudo docker run hello-world;

If the installation was OK, you should see the following message:

n$ sudo docker run hello-world
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
2db29710123e: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:cc15c5b292d8525effc0f89cb299f1804f3a725c8d05e158653a563f15e4f685
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
    executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
    to your terminal.

To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
 $ docker run -it ubuntu bash

Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:

For more examples and ideas, visit:

Make the docker application image

Execute the following command on a terminal to get your php version:

php --version;

In case you get something different than version 7.4, please note it and update the contents of the DockerFile below accordingly. In our case, the results for the version were the ones right below and that is why we used the line FROM php:7.4-cli in our DockerFile.

$ php --version
PHP 7.4.3 (cli) (built: Oct 25 2021 18:20:54) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.4.3, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

If you are not already at the root of your project (e.g., the symfony-skeleton folder), go to that folder and create a new text file with the name Dockerfile in there. The contents of the file should be the following:

# Dockerfile
FROM php:7.4-cli

RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y libmcrypt-dev

RUN curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libonig-dev
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo

COPY . /app

RUN composer install

CMD php bin/console server:run

Once you have Docker and Docker Machine installed on your machine, creating the container is a breeze. The command below will seek your Dockerfile and download all of the layers required to execute your container image. It will then complete the commands in the Dockerfile, leaving you with a container that is ready to use.

You’ll use the docker build command to create your php Symfony docker container, and you’ll give it a tag or a name so you can refer to it later when you want to execute it. The command’s final component instructs Docker to build from a specific directory.

sudo docker build -t symfony-project .;

To execute the new application image:

sudo docker run -it -p 8000:8000 symfony-project;

To export the Docker image as a tar file:

sudo docker save -o ~/symfony-skeleton.tar symfony-project;

To import the Docker image from the tar file:

sudo docker load -i symfony-skeleton.tar;

Notes on how to get HarpyTM running on an Ubuntu 20.04LTS GNU/Linux

Easy Setup – Slow Execution by using the CPUs only

Getting CUDA support in OpenCV for Python can be tricky as you will need to make several changes to your PC. On many occasions, it can fail if you are not comfortable troubleshooting the procedure. For this reason, we are presenting an alternative solution that is easy to implement and should work on most machines. The problem with this solution is that it will ignore your GPU and utilize your CPUs only. This means that executions will most probably be slower than the GPU-enabled one.

Conda / Anaconda

First of all, we installed and activated anaconda on an Ubuntu 20.04LTS desktop. To do so, we installed the following dependencies from the repositories:

sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libegl1-mesa libxrandr2 libxrandr2 libxss1 libxcursor1 libxcomposite1 libasound2 libxi6 libxtst6;

Then, we downloaded the 64-Bit (x86) Installer from (

Using a terminal, we followed the instructions here ( and performed the installation.

Python environment and OpenCV for Python

Following the previous step, we used the commands below to create a virtual environment for our code. We needed python version 3.9 (as highlighted here and OpenCV for python.

source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate;
conda create --yes --name HarpyTM python=3.9;
conda activate HarpyTM;
pip install numpy scipy scikit-learn opencv-python==;

Please note that we needed to limit the package for opencv-python to because we were getting the following error on newer versions:

[INFO] setting preferable backend and target to CUDA...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bob/Traffic/HarpyTM/", line 51, in <module>
    detectNet = detector(weights, config, conf_thresh=conf_thresh, netsize=cfg_size, nms_thresh=nms_thresh, gpu=use_gpu, classes_file=classes_file)
  File "/home/bob/Traffic/HarpyTM/src/", line 24, in __init__
    self.layers = [ln[i[0] - 1] for i in]
  File "/home/bob/Traffic/HarpyTM/src/", line 24, in <listcomp>
    self.layers = [ln[i[0] - 1] for i in]
IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable.


git clone;
cd HarpyTM/;
# We manually create the following folders and set their priviledges as we were  getting errors when they were autogenerated by the code of HarpyTM.
mkdir -p results/Detections/videos;
chmod 777 results/Detections/videos;

After successfully cloning the project, we modified the config.ini to meet our needs, specifically, we changed all paths to be inside the folder of HarpyTM and used the full resolution for the test video:

video_filename 		= ./data/DJI_0406_cut.MP4
resize 			= True
image_width 		= 1920
image_height 		= 1080
display_video		= False
display_width 		= 1920
display_height 		= 1080

save_video_results	= True
video_export_path 	= ./results/Detections/videos/
csv_path 		= ./results/
export			= True
display_track		= True

darknet_config 		= ./data/Configs/vehicles_ty3.cfg
darknet_weights 	= ./data/Configs/vehicles_ty3.weights
classes_file 		= ./data/Configs/vehicles.names
cfg_size_width		= 608
cfg_size_height		= 608
iou_thresh 		= 0.3
conf_thresh 		= 0.3
nms_thresh 		= 0.4
use_gpu 		= True 

flight_height 		= 150
sensor_height 		= 0.455
sensor_width		= 0.617
focal_length		= 0.567
reset_boxes_frames	= 40
calc_velocity_n		= 25
draw_tracks		= True
export_data		= True

Finally, we were able to execute the code as follows:


After the execution was done, we found in the folder ./results/Detections/videos/ the video showing the bounding boxes etc. The resulting video was uploaded here:

Revisiting neural-style-tf in 2021

We decided to revisit this post ( in 2021 and provide the installation manual for Ubuntu 20.04LTS.


Conda / Anaconda

First of all, we installed and activated anaconda on an Ubuntu 20.04LTS desktop. To do so, we installed the following dependencies from the repositories:

sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libegl1-mesa libxrandr2 libxrandr2 libxss1 libxcursor1 libxcomposite1 libasound2 libxi6 libxtst6;

Then, we downloaded the 64-Bit (x86) Installer from (

Using a terminal, we followed the instructions here ( and performed the installation.

Python environment and OpenCV for Python

Following the previous step, we used the commands below to create a virtual environment for our code. We needed python version 3.7 (even though anaconda highlights version 3.9 here and OpenCV for python.

source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate;
# We need python 3.7 at max to support TensorFlow version 1
conda create --yes --name Style python=3.7;
conda activate Style;
# Version 1 of TensorFlow is needed for the project that we will clone, version 1.15 is the latest and greatest version of TensorFlow 1.
pip install tensorflow==1.15 tensorflow-gpu==1.15 scipy numpy opencv-python;

Cloning the project and all necessary files

git clone;
cd neural-style-tf/;
#After everything is complete, it is time to create our first 'artistic' image.
python --content_img "/home/bob/Pictures/Aphrodite Hills Golf Course - Paphos, Cyprus.jpg" --style_imgs "/home/bob/Pictures/Van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg" --max_size 400 --max_iterations 500 --device /cpu:0 --verbose;


Original Content
Adapted Style Input

Problems that you might get

If you get the following error:

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You will need to install some additional dependencies for OpenCV as your Ubuntu installation might have been minimal. To fix this issue, install the following package from the repositories:

sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install -y python3-opencv;