
Regular expression to match any ASCII character

The following regular expression will match any ASCII character (character values [0-127]).


The next regular expression makes the exact opposite match, it will match any character that is NOT ASCII (character values greater than 127).



gEdit - regular expression to match any ASCII character

gEdit – regular expression to match any ASCII character

gEdit - regular expression to match any Non-ASCII character

gEdit – regular expression to match any Non-ASCII character

NTFS Support on CentOS 7 1


sudo yum --enablerepo=extras install epel-release;
sudo yum install ntfs-3g -y;

Background – Explanation of commands

By default, CentOS does not have installed the necessary drivers to mount ntfs drives.

sudo yum --enablerepo=extras install epel-release;

To install them, you need to enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL).

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (or EPEL) is a Fedora Special Interest Group that creates, maintains, and manages a high quality set of additional packages for Enterprise Linux, including, but not limited to, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS and Scientific Linux (SL), Oracle Linux (OL).

EPEL packages are usually based on their Fedora counterparts and will never conflict with or replace packages in the base Enterprise Linux distributions. EPEL uses much of the same infrastructure as Fedora, including buildsystem, bugzilla instance, updates manager, mirror manager and more.


You can install EPEL by running yum --enablerepo=extras install epel-release. The epel-release package is included in the CentOS Extras repository that is enabled by default. The package includes gpg keys for package signing and repository information. Installing this package for your Enterprise Linux version should allow you to use normal tools such as yum to install packages and their dependencies.

sudo yum install ntfs-3g -y;

After you’ve enabled the repository, you should be able to install the Linux NTFS userspace driver packaged in ntfs-3g. ntfs-3g is a stable, open source, GPL licensed, POSIX, read/write NTFS driver for Linux and many other operating systems. It provides safe handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 NTFS file systems. NTFS-3G can create, remove, rename, move files, directories, hard links, and streams; it can read and write normal and transparently compressed files, including streams and sparse files; it can handle special files like symbolic links, devices, and FIFOs, ACL, extended attributes; moreover it provides full file access right and ownership support.

To install it, we used the following command: yum install ntfs-3g -y.

Ubuntu: Headless wireshark (or wireshark from terminal)

Recently, we wanted to use wireshark on an Ubuntu through ssh and no X-Server forwarding enabled.
After a quick search we found tshark.

TShark is a network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture packet data from a live network, or read packets from a previously saved capture file, either printing a decoded form of those packets to the standard output or writing the packets to a file. TShark‘s native capture file format is pcap format, which is also the format used by tcpdump and various other tools.
Without any options set, TShark will work much like tcpdump. It will use the pcap library to capture traffic from the first available network interface and displays a summary line on stdout for each received packet.
TShark is able to detect, read and write the same capture files that are supported by Wireshark.

From: man tshark

Install tshark on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install tshark -y;

Using tshark to capture all traffic on eth0 to a pcap file

sudo tshark -i eth0 -w something.pcap;

Note: If you just want to capture network traffic on a network interface and not use the additional features wireshark has to offer, you can also use tcpdumpas follows

#The following command will create a files that has in its name the current date and time using the date function.
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -w "data.`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H.%M`.pcap";

Bash: Remove the last character from each line 1

The following script, uses rev and cut to remove the last character from each line in a pipe.
rev utility reverses lines character-wise.
cut removes sections  from each of line.
It is a very simple script where we reverse the line once, remove the first character (which was the last one in the original form of the line) and finally we reverse the line back with the last character missing.

echo -e "hi\nHI" | rev | cut -c 2- | rev;

# Will produce: