
Include more filetypes to a WordPress Installation Media Library

In the folder <Installation Path>/wp-includes/ there is a file called functions.php, inside this file there is a function called get_allowed_mime_types().
This function is in charge of defining an Array of mime types keyed by the file extension with a regex corresponding to those types.

So in order to add a new file-type to the white-list you just have to add a new line with the following format in the list:

'jpg|jpeg|jpe' => 'image/jpeg',

Where, on the left you define the extensions you want to be accepted separated by the vertical bar character (“|”) and on the right you give a file definition.

Oracle VirtualBox: Enable eth0 on backtrack4 / enable default ethernet card on backtrack

ifup eth0

*INFO: The default Ethernet device is disabled on boot but it can easily be enabled by just issuing the above command. (You still need to configure it depending on your system’s structure). In order to activate the Ethernet card you need to call the above command from the Terminal.