
Install HPL on Ubuntu

tar -xvf hpl-2.1.tar.gz
mv hpl-2.1 hpl
cp Make.Linux_ATHLON_CBLAS hpl
sudo apt-get install build-essential libmpich1.0-dev libatlas-base-dev mpich-bin
cd hpl/
make arch=Linux_ATHLON_CBLAS

to view “like me” posts

About those annoying websites that will not allow you to view their content unless you click “like” on every article they have. Like me, you might not want to do that, because you might find out later that they do not really have the information you need, yet you already shared it.

A guide to avoid this situation (for a few sites at least, do the following for FireFox:

  1. view the source code (Ctrl+U)  of the page
  2. find something like $(‘#hide-me’).show();
  3. Type ctrl+shift+k and paste it there, then press enter
  4. Voila!

I hope it helps 🙂


SISAL Compiler — useful links and Ubuntu Installation GuideSISAL Compiler — useful links 2

SISAL (Streams and Iteration in a Single Assignment Language) is a general-purpose single assignment functional programming language with strict semantics, implicit parallelism, and efficient array handling. SISAL outputs a dataflow graph in Intermediary Form 1 (IF1). It was derived from VAL (Value-oriented Algorithmic Language, designed by Jack Dennis), and adds recursion and finite streams. It has a Pascal-like syntax and was designed to be a common high-level language for numerical programs on a variety of multiprocessors. — From:

Download Compiler from:

How to install SISAL version 14.0.6 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin):

  1. Download SISAL from SourceForge and unzip it (tar -xvf sisal.14.0.6.tgz).
  2. Go to the extracted directory (e.g. cd sisal.14.0.6/).
  3. Issue the configure script to make sure your system has all necessary libraries (./configure).
  4. As a super user, a.k.a. root, issue the compilation and installation command (sudo make).
    — If you get the following compilation error:
    /usr/bin/gcc  -g -I/home/xeirwn/Downloads/sisal.14.0.6/Include   -c -o sisal.o sisal.c
    sisal.c:2013:20: error: conflicting types for ‘getline’
    /usr/include/stdio.h:675:20: note: previous declaration of ‘getline’ was here

    Then you need to edit the file sisal.14.0.6/Frontend/Front1/sisal.c and replace all instances of getline function with something else like getlinelocal.
    When you are done re-issue the sudo make command and wait.
  5. Once completed, write in a *.sis file some SISAL application (lets say program1.sis) and issue the following command sisalc program1.sis.
  6. The command will produce a file named s.out, that is your execution binary.

Language Reference Manual:

Other Similar Stuff:

SISAL (Streams and Iteration in a Single Assignment Language) is a general-purpose single assignment functional programming language with strict semantics, implicit parallelism, and efficient array handling. SISAL outputs a dataflow graph in Intermediary Form 1 (IF1). It was derived from VAL (Value-oriented Algorithmic Language, designed by Jack Dennis), and adds recursion and finite streams. It has a Pascal-like syntax and was designed to be a common high-level language for numerical programs on a variety of multiprocessors. — From:

Download Compiler from:

How to install SISAL version 14.0.6 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin):

  1. Download SISAL from SourceForge and unzip it (tar -xvf sisal.14.0.6.tgz).
  2. Go to the extracted directory (e.g. cd sisal.14.0.6/).
  3. Issue the configure script to make sure your system has all necessary libraries (./configure).
  4. As a super user, a.k.a. root, issue the compilation and installation command (sudo make).

    — If you get the following compilation error:

    /usr/bin/gcc  -g -I/home/xeirwn/Downloads/sisal.14.0.6/Include   -c -o sisal.o sisal.c

    sisal.c:2013:20: error: conflicting types for ‘getline’

    /usr/include/stdio.h:675:20: note: previous declaration of ‘getline’ was here

    Then you need to edit the file sisal.14.0.6/Frontend/Front1/sisal.c and replace all instances of getline function with something else like getlinelocal.

    When you are done re-issue the sudo make command and wait.

  5. Once completed, write in a *.sis file some SISAL application (lets say program1.sis) and issue the following command sisalc program1.sis.
  6. The command will produce a file named s.out, that is your execution binary.

Language Reference Manual:

Other Similar Stuff: