On-screen clock/count down/counter — AutoHotkey (AHK) Source Code 4
Below is the source code for the version that is used for IEEE Region 8 Committee meetings.
It is written using the AutoHotkey scripting language and you will need to download the compiler for it in order for you to use it.
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source custom scripting language for Microsoft Windows, initially aimed at providing easy keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, fast macro-creation and software automation that allows users of most levels of computer skill to automate repetitive tasks in any Windows application. User interfaces can easily be extended or modified by AutoHotkey (for example, overriding the default Windows control key commands with their Emacs equivalents). The Autohotkey installation includes its own extensive help file with an always updated web based version. — From Wikipedia
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#SingleInstance Force #Persistent #NoEnv DetectHiddenWindows On SetTitleMatchMode 2 st_Configuration_File := "watch.ini" st_Configuration_Section := "Parameters" st_Settings_Title := "Watch 2.0 - UI Settings" st_Mode_Title := "Watch 2.0 - Mode Settings" ;ListVars ;http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ListVars.htm ;----------------------Check if Settings File Exists----------------- ;IniRead, OutputVar, Filename, Section, Key [, Default] st_Clock_Width := "Clock_Width" IniRead, var_Clock_Width, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Clock_Width%, 245 st_Clock_Height := "Clock_Height" IniRead, var_Clock_Height, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Clock_Height%, 66 st_Lock_Position := "Lock_Position" IniRead, var_Lock_Position, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Lock_Position%, 0 st_Always_On_Top := "Always_On_Top" IniRead, var_Always_On_Top, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Always_On_Top%, 1 st_Position_X := "Position_X" st_Default_Position_X := A_ScreenWidth - var_Clock_Width IniRead, var_Position_X, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Position_X%, %st_Default_Position_X% st_Position_Y := "Position_Y" st_Default_Position_Y := A_ScreenHeight - var_Clock_Height IniRead, var_Position_Y, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Position_Y%, %st_Default_Position_Y% st_Click_Through_Clock := "Click_Through_Clock" IniRead, var_Click_Through_Clock, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Click_Through_Clock%, 0 st_Back_Color := "Back_Color" IniRead, var_Back_Color, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Back_Color%, 0x000000 st_Clock_Color := "Clock_Color" IniRead, var_Clock_Color, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Clock_Color%, 0xECECEE st_Clock_Font_Size := "Clock_Font_Size" IniRead, var_Clock_Font_Size, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Clock_Font_Size%, 28 st_Clock_Mode := "Clock_Mode" IniRead, var_Clock_Mode, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Clock_Mode%, 24Hour st_Timer_Mode := "Timer_Mode" IniRead, var_Timer_Mode, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Timer_Mode%, FixedTime st_Transparency := "Transparency" IniRead, var_Transparency, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Transparency%, 230 st_Watch_Mode := "Watch_Mode" ;IniRead, var_Watch_Mode, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Watch_Mode%, Clock ;Xeirwn -- Hardcoded clock as default mode var_Watch_Mode := "Clock" SetTimer, fun_TicTac, 1000 ;------------------------------------------------------------ Gui, 1:+ToolWindow -Caption Gui, 1:Color, %var_Back_Color%, %var_Back_Color% Gui, 1:Font, S%var_Clock_Font_Size% Gui, 1:Font, C%var_Clock_Color%, bold, Arial Gui, 1:Font, bold Gui, 1:Font, Arial FormatTime, var_Formatted_Time, , ' 'HH:mm:ss Gui, 1:Add, text, X5 Y5 W%var_Clock_Width% H%var_Clock_Height% GMove vElem_Clock, %var_Formatted_Time% Gui, 1:Show, X%var_Position_X% Y%var_Position_Y% W%var_Clock_Width% H%var_Clock_Height%, elem_Watch_Window WinSet, Region, 0-0 W%var_Clock_Width% H%var_Clock_Height% R6-6, elem_Watch_Window ;;WinSet, Region, 0-0 W%var_Clock_Width% H%var_Clock_Height% R6-6, elem_Watch_Window WinSet, Transparent, %var_Transparency%, elem_Watch_Window ifExist, watch.ico { Menu, Tray, Icon, watch.ico } Menu, Tray, Tip, Watch 1.0 Menu, Tray, NoStandard Menu, Tray, add, &Always On Top, fun_Set_Always_On_Top Menu, Tray, add, Click &Through, fun_Click_Through ;Menu, Tray, add, &Lock Position, fun_Lock_Position Menu, Tray, add, Clock &Colors, fun_Set_Clock_Colors Menu, Tray, add, &Set Mode, fun_Set_Mode Menu, Tray, add Menu, Tray, add, &Quit Clock, ExitApp Menu, Tray, add, Hide/&Show, fun_Toggle_Hide Menu, Tray, add Menu, Tray, add, About, fun_About Menu, Tray, default, Hide/&Show if (var_Click_Through_Clock = "1") { Gui, 1:+E0x20 Menu, Tray, Check, Click &Through } if (var_Always_On_Top = "1") { WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, elem_Watch_Window Menu, Tray, Check, &Always On Top } if (var_Lock_Position = "1") { ;TODO -- XEIRWN -- REVIEW Gui, 1:-E0x10 Menu, Tray, Check, &Lock Position } ;----------------------Set Transparency Using the Alt Key-------------------- #ifWinActive, elem_Watch_Window { !WheelUp:: if (var_Transparency <= 230) { var_Transparency += 5 WinSet, Transparent, %var_Transparency%, elem_Watch_Window return } !WheelDown:: if (var_Transparency >= 15) { var_Transparency -= 5 WinSet, Transparent, %var_Transparency%, elem_Watch_Window return } return } ;------------------------------------------------------------ return ;;TODO -- XEIRWN -- REVIEW ;----------------------Enable Window Drag------------------- Move: PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, A if A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick { GoSub, fun_Show_Hide } return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;----------------------Clock Engine----------------------- fun_TicTac: if (var_Watch_Mode = "Clock") { FormatTime, var_Formatted_Value, , ' 'HH:mm:ss if (var_Clock_Mode = "AM/PM") { FormatTime, var_Formatted_Value, , hh:mm:ss tt } } else if (var_Watch_Mode = "Timer") { if (var_Timer_Mode = "FixedTime") { FormatTime, var_Seconds, %var_Set_FixedTime%, s FormatTime, var_Minutes, %var_Set_FixedTime%, m FormatTime, var_Hours, %var_Set_FixedTime%, H if (var_Seconds > "0" or var_Minutes > "0" or var_Hours > "0") { var_Set_FixedTime += -1, seconds } else { SetTimer, fun_TicTac, off } FormatTime, var_Formatted_Value, %var_Set_FixedTime%, ' 'HH:mm:ss } else { ;TODO Xeirwn -- Implement count to date time ;http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/EnvSub.htm ;http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/FormatTime.htm ;http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Variables.htm } } GuiControl,, Elem_Clock, %var_Formatted_Value% return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;----------------------Clock Engine Maintenance----------------------- fun_TicTacToc: if (var_Watch_Mode = "Clock") { } else if (var_Watch_Mode = "Timer") { if (var_Timer_Mode = "FixedTime") { FormatTime, var_Formatted_Value, %var_Set_FixedTime%, ' 'HH:mm:ss } } GuiControl,, Elem_Clock, %var_Formatted_Value% return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;---------------------Show Or Hide Clock--------------------- fun_Show_Hide: fun_Toggle_Hide: var_Toggle := !var_Toggle if (var_Toggle = "1") { WinHide, elem_Watch_Window } else { WinShow, elem_Watch_Window } return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;---------------------Don't Save Position-------------------- fun_Lock_Position: if (var_Lock_Position = "1") { ;XEIRWN -- TODO -- REVIEW Gui, 1:-E0x10 } else { ;XEIRWN -- TODO -- REVIEW Gui, 1:+E0x10 } var_Lock_Position := !var_Lock_Position Menu, tray, togglecheck, &Lock Position IniWrite, %var_Lock_Position%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Lock_Position% return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;----------------------Set Clock Colors---------------------- fun_Set_Clock_Colors: SPosX := (A_ScreenWidth)/2 SPosY := (A_ScreenHeight)/2 Gui, 2:Color, black Gui, 2:+ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop -Caption Gui, 2:Font, S7 cwhite, Verdana Gui, 2:Add, Text, x6 y6 w130 h20 gMove, %st_Settings_Title% Gui, 2:Add, Text, x148 y6 w20 h20 gGui2Close, X Gui, 2:Add, GroupBox, x6 y25 w150 h75 , Colors Gui, 2:Add, Text, x16 y45 w80 h20 , Background: Gui, 2:Add, Button, x96 y45 w55 h17 vBack_Color_Btn gfun_Set_Back_Color, %var_Back_Color% Gui, 2:Add, Text, x16 y75 w100 h20 , Clock Color: Gui, 2:Add, Button, x96 y75 w55 h17 vClock_Color_Btn gfun_Set_Clock_Color, %var_Clock_Color% Gui, 2:Add, GroupBox, x6 y103 w150 h38 Right, Transparency Gui, 2:Add, Slider, x16 y118 w130 h18 Range15-230 gfun_Set_Transparency vTrans_Value, %var_Transparency% Gui, 2:Show, X%SPosX% Y%SPosY% W163 H152, %st_Settings_Title% WinSet, Region, 0-0 w163 h152 R10-10, elem_Colors_Window WinSet, Transparent, 237, elem_Colors_Window return ;----------------------Control Mode---------------------- ;TODO -- Check the variables and set the appropriate radio elements as checked fun_Set_Mode: SPosX := (A_ScreenWidth)/2 SPosY := (A_ScreenHeight)/2 Gui, 3:Color, black Gui, 3:+ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop -Caption Gui, 3:Font, S7 cwhite, Verdana Gui, 3:Add, Text, x6 y6 w140 h20 gMove, %st_Mode_Title% Gui, 3:Add, Text, x180 y6 w20 h20 gGui3Close, X Gui, 3:Add, Radio, x16 y25 gfun_ClockMode Checked, Clock mode. Gui, 3:Add, Radio, x106 y25 gfun_TimerMode, Timer mode. ;Xeirwn -- When selecting timer mode, set the content to something Gui, 3:Add, GroupBox, x6 y55 w177 h75 , Clock Gui, 3:Add, Radio, x16 y75 gfun_ClockMode24Hour Checked, 24 Hour mode. Gui, 3:Add, Radio, x16 y105 gfun_ClockModeAMPM, AM/PM mode. Gui, 3:Add, GroupBox, x6 y133 w177 h200 Right, Timer ;Gui, 3:Add, Radio, x16 y153 gfun_TimerModeToDateTime, Count to datetime. Gui, 3:Add, Radio, x16 y223 gfun_TimerModeFixedTime Checked, Count fixed time. ;Gui, 3:Add, DateTime, x16 y173 wp20 h20 vToDateTime, d/M/yy HH:mm:ss Gui, 3:Add, DateTime, x16 y243 wp20 h20 vFixedTime, HH:mm:ss ;TODO -- Set Fixed Time to some other value other than the current Gui, 3:Add, Button, w55 gfun_Timer_Continue, &Continue ;Xeirwn -- When pressing many times the continue, it delays the execution as it resets it ;http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/SetTimer.htm Gui, 3:Add, Button, xp55 wp gfun_TimerPause, &Pause Gui, 3:Add, Button, xp55 wp gfun_TimerLap Default, &Lap Gui, 3:Add, Button, x16 yp30 w55 gfun_TimerReset, &Reset Gui, 3:Add, Button, xp60 w55 gfun_TimerZero, &Zero Gui, 3:Show, X%SPosX% Y%SPosY% W193 H345, %st_Mode_Title% WinSet, Region, 0-0 w193 h345 R10-10, st_Mode_Title WinSet, Transparent, 237, Watch 1.0 - Mode Settings return ;-----------------Continue Timer----------------- fun_Timer_Continue: Gui, Submit, NoHide SetTimer, fun_TicTac, on return ;-----------------Pause Timer----------------- fun_TimerPause: Gui, Submit, NoHide SetTimer, fun_TicTac, off return ;-----------------Timer Lap----------------- fun_TimerLap: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Set_FixedTime = %FixedTime% IniWrite, %FixedTime%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, FixedTime SetTimer, fun_TicTac, on SetTimer, fun_TicTacToc, -1 return ;-----------------Reset Timer----------------- fun_TimerReset: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Set_FixedTime = %FixedTime% IniWrite, %FixedTime%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, FixedTime SetTimer, fun_TicTac, off SetTimer, fun_TicTacToc, -1 return ;-----------------Zero Timer----------------- fun_TimerZero: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Set_FixedTime = 19700101000000 SetTimer, fun_TicTac, off SetTimer, fun_TicTacToc, -1 return ;-----------------Set Clock Mode----------------- fun_ClockMode: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Watch_Mode := "Clock" IniWrite, %var_Watch_Mode%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Watch_Mode% SetTimer, fun_TicTac, on return ;-----------------Set Timer Mode----------------- fun_TimerMode: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Watch_Mode := "Timer" IniWrite, %var_Watch_Mode%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Watch_Mode% SetTimer, fun_TicTac, off return ;-----------------Set AM/PM Clock Mode----------------- fun_ClockModeAMPM: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Clock_Mode := "AM/PM" IniWrite, %var_Clock_Mode%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Clock_Mode% return ;-----------------Set 24Hour Clock Mode----------------- fun_ClockMode24Hour: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Clock_Mode := "24Hour" IniWrite, %var_Clock_Mode%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Clock_Mode% return ;-----------------Set To DateTime Timer Mode----------------- fun_TimerModeToDateTime: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Timer_Mode := "ToDateTime" IniWrite, %var_Timer_Mode%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Timer_Mode% return ;-----------------Set To Fixed Time Timer Mode----------------- fun_TimerModeFixedTime: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Timer_Mode := "FixedTime" IniWrite, %var_Timer_Mode%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Timer_Mode% return ;----------------------Close Settings Window---------------------- Gui2Close: Gui, 2:Destroy return ;----------------------Close Settings Window---------------------- Gui3Close: Gui, 3:Destroy return ;-----------------Set Clock Background Color----------------- fun_Set_Back_Color: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Back_Color := RGB(dlg_color(var_Clock_Color, hwnd)) if var_Back_Color <> { Gui, 1:Color, %var_Back_Color% GuiControl, 2:, Back_Color_Btn, %var_Back_Color% IniWrite, %var_Back_Color%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Back_Color% } return ;-----------------------Set Clock Color---------------------- fun_Set_Clock_Color: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Clock_Color := RGB(dlg_color(var_Clock_Color, hwnd)) if var_Clock_Color <> { IniWrite, %var_Clock_Color%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Clock_Color% Gui, 1:Font, c%var_Clock_Color% GuiControl, 1:Font, Elem_Clock GuiControl, 2:, Clock_Color_Btn, %var_Clock_Color% } return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;-----------------------Set Transparency---------------------- fun_Set_Transparency: Gui, Submit, NoHide var_Transparency := Trans_Value WinSet, Transparent, %var_Transparency%, elem_Watch_Window IniWrite, %var_Transparency%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Transparency% return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;-----------------------Set AlwaysOnTop---------------------- fun_Set_Always_On_Top: if (var_Always_On_Top = "1") { WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, elem_Watch_Window } else { WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, elem_Watch_Window } var_Always_On_Top := !var_Always_On_Top Menu, tray, togglecheck, &Always On Top IniWrite, %var_Always_On_Top%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Always_On_Top% return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;-----------------------Exit Application---------------------- ExitApp: GoSub, fun_Save_Position ExitApp return ;---------------------Save Clock Position-------------------- fun_Save_Position: WinGetPos, %var_Position_X%, %var_Position_Y%,,, elem_Watch_Window IniWrite, %var_Position_X%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Position_X% IniWrite, %var_Position_Y%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Position_Y% return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------Click Through Clock Window----------------- fun_Click_Through: var_Click_Through_Clock := !var_Click_Through_Clock if (var_Click_Through_Clock == "1") { Gui, 1: +E0x20 } else { Gui, 1: -E0x20 } Menu, tray, togglecheck, Click &Through IniWrite, %var_Click_Through_Clock%, %st_Configuration_File%, %st_Configuration_Section%, %st_Click_Through_Clock% return ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/94083-ahk-11-font-and-color-dialogs/ Dlg_Color(Color,hwnd){ static if !cc{ VarSetCapacity(CUSTOM,16*A_PtrSize,0),cc:=1,size:=VarSetCapacity(CHOOSECOLOR,9*A_PtrSize,0) Loop,16{ IniRead,col,color.ini,color,%A_Index%,0 NumPut(col,CUSTOM,(A_Index-1)*4,"UInt") } } NumPut(size,CHOOSECOLOR,0,"UInt"),NumPut(hwnd,CHOOSECOLOR,A_PtrSize,"UPtr") ,NumPut(Color,CHOOSECOLOR,3*A_PtrSize,"UInt"),NumPut(3,CHOOSECOLOR,5*A_PtrSize,"UInt") ,NumPut(&CUSTOM,CHOOSECOLOR,4*A_PtrSize,"UPtr") ret:=DllCall("comdlg32\ChooseColor","UPtr",&CHOOSECOLOR,"UInt") if !ret exit Loop,16 IniWrite,% NumGet(custom,(A_Index-1)*4,"UInt"),color.ini,color,%A_Index% IniWrite,% Color:=NumGet(CHOOSECOLOR,3*A_PtrSize,"UInt"),color.ini,default,color return Color } rgb(c){ setformat,IntegerFast,H c:=(c&255)<<16|(c&65280)|(c>>16),c:=SubStr(c,1) SetFormat,IntegerFast,D return c } fun_About: applicationName=Watch Gui,99:Destroy Gui,99:Margin,20,20 Gui,99:Add,Picture,xm Icon1,%applicationName%.exe Gui,99:Font,Bold Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,%applicationName% v1.0 Gui,99:Font Gui,99:Add,Text,y+10,This application will create a widget that will have the functionality to show the time or operate as a countdown timer Gui,99:Add,Picture,xm y+20 Icon5,%applicationName%.exe Gui,99:Font,Bold Gui,99:Add,Text,x+10 yp+10,Software by George Michael Gui,99:Font Gui,99:Add,Text,y+10,For more tools and information, please visit Gui,99:Font,CBlue Underline Gui,99:Add,Text,y+5 GBYTEFREAKSNET,www.bytefreaks.net Gui,99:Font Gui,99:Show,,%applicationName% fun_About hCurs:=DllCall("LoadCursor","UInt",NULL,"Int",32649,"UInt") ;IDC_HAND OnMessage(0x200,"WM_MOUSEMOVE") return BYTEFREAKSNET: Run,http://www.bytefreaks.net,,UseErrorLevel return
Key features
- You can change the ico that appears in the task bar by placing an ico file with the name watch.ico in the same directory as the executable (or the source)
- You can drag the watch to a more convenient place
- Double clicking on the watch it will hide it
- Double clicking on the icon of the watch it will toggle it’s visibility
- From the menu on the task bar you can “Set it on top”, allow mouse to click through the clock, hide/show the gui
- You can set the color of the Font and the Color of the background using a color picker
- You can set the transparency of the GUI
- The tool has two modes, it can operate as a clock that shows time in 24 hour mode or AM/PM and can operate as a count down tool (timer)
- The timer mode allows you to pause (and continue), reset and stop the time, reset and continue the time (using lap) or zero the clock