
IEEEXtreme Uncut: Behind the Scenes. [Live-Stream]

The IEEEXtreme executive committee would like to invite you all to our upcoming live stream at IEEE.tv

During this event the 2020 IEEEXtreme Executive Committee will give student members an interactive “sneak peek” into the history, preparation, and fun the volunteer leadership is planning and executing for our flagship contest for student members across the globe.
During the 24 hour contest the committee feeds up the challenges, this live streamed event is your chance to challenge them with questions about this year’s contest on October 24.

Live Stream Link: http://ieeetv.ieee.org/live_event/studentactivities

Registration Page: https://engage.ieee.org/September-Student-Live-Sign-Up.html

Date and Time: 17 September, 1:00 pm EDT