
Enhancing KeePassXC with YubiKey on Ubuntu: Enabling the Raw-USB Interface

In digital security, combining hardware-based authentication devices like YubiKey with robust password management solutions such as KeePassXC represents a gold standard. YubiKey provides a physical, secure element for two-factor authentication, significantly enhancing security over traditional password-only systems. KeePassXC, a free and open-source password manager, allows users to manage their passwords securely. However, when running KeePassXC as a Snap package on Ubuntu, users may encounter an unexpected hurdle due to Snap’s inherent security and isolation features. This post aims to guide you through enabling your YubiKey hardware to work seamlessly with KeePassXC installed via Snap by manually allowing the raw-usb to interface.

Understanding the Challenge

Snap, a package management and deployment system developed by Canonical, allows for the consistent, secure distribution and installation of applications across different Linux distributions. Snap packages are containerized to ensure isolation from the rest of the system, enhancing security by restricting the application’s access to the host system’s resources and hardware interfaces.

While these isolation features benefit security, they can also impose limitations. Specifically, for KeePassXC users wishing to utilize a YubiKey for added security, Snap’s default restrictions prevent the application from accessing the USB hardware directly. This is where the raw-usb interface comes into play.

The raw-usb Interface

The raw-usb interface in Snap allows a snap-packaged application to communicate with USB hardware directly, bypassing the usual restrictions. By enabling this interface for KeePassXC, the application can interact with your YubiKey, utilizing it for secure two-factor authentication.

Step-by-Step Guide to Enabling the raw-usb Interface

  1. Open Your Terminal: First, access your terminal. You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard or searching for “Terminal” in your applications menu.
  2. Execute the Command: In the terminal, type the following command:
 sudo snap connect "keepassxc:raw-usb" "core:raw-usb"

This command instructs your system to enable the raw-usb interface specifically for KeePassXC. Here’s a breakdown of the command:

  • sudo: This prefix grants administrative (superuser) permissions for the operation, which is necessary for modifying system-wide settings.
  • snap connect: This is the command to link a Snap package to a specific interface.
  • "keepassxc:raw-usb": Specifies the KeePassXC snap package and the raw-usb interface within it.
  • "core:raw-usb": Refers to the raw-usb interface the core Snap provides, which grants access to USB devices.
  1. Enter Your Password: After entering the command, you’ll be prompted to enter your password. This is the password you use to log in to your Ubuntu account. Since you’re executing a command with sudo, your password is required to confirm that you have the necessary permissions to make system-level changes.
  2. Confirmation: If successful, you won’t see a detailed message; the lack of error messages typically indicates that the operation was successful. You’ve now enabled KeePassXC to access USB devices directly.

Testing the Configuration

After enabling the raw-usb interface, launch KeePassXC and attempt to use your YubiKey as part of your two-factor authentication setup. If everything is configured correctly, KeePassXC should recognize your YubiKey without any issues.


The security of your digital life is paramount in an era where online threats are increasingly sophisticated. By integrating YubiKey with KeePassXC on Ubuntu, you significantly enhance your digital security posture. The process of enabling the raw-usb interface for KeePassXC, while a bit technical, is a small step with significant benefits for your security setup. It exemplifies the balance between security and usability, allowing you to leverage cutting-edge security hardware without compromising on the convenience and ease of use offered by modern Linux distributions and applications.

Qubes-OS 3.2: USB printer (and other devices)

Below you will find the commands we used to enable the sys-usb VM (on an installation of Qubes 3.2 where it was not enabled by default nor was the task of handling USB devices assigned to sys-net).

On dom0 terminal emulator, we executed the following first to enable sys-usb.

sudo qubesctl top.enable qvm.sys-usb;
sudo qubesctl state.highstate;

Then we modified the configuration files for the mouse (/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.InputMouse) and keyboard (/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.InputKeyboard) so that they will automatically be granted to dom0 without prompting the used each time.

We modified the content /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.InputMouse and /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.InputKeyboard to be as below:

sys-usb dom0 allow,user=root
$anyvm $anyvm deny

papouch: TMU – USB thermometer

Today, we found in stock some USB thermometers by papouch, which we decided to put to use.
We wanted to create a small bash script that would take the measurements from the thermometers and log them along with the system date/time.
After doing some minor research we got to the product website, where it had a lot of useful information about the device, device drivers and source code which can utilize the device on a Windows machine.

Unfortunately for us, there was no source code for a simple bash script on Linux.

Before we continue, lets fill our heads with some information on the device:

TMU is a simple thermometer with a USB interface. The thermometer uses the USB interface for communication and also as a power source. It measures temperatures from –55 °C to +125 °C (with 0.1 °C resolution). The communication utilizes a simple ASCII protocol. Temperature values are transmitted in degrees Celsius; no numerical conversion is necessary.


The operating system on our machine was GNU/Linux CentOS 7, after plugging in the devices, we issued the command lsusb from which we saw that the OS had recognized the devices.
From the manual we read that the interface for communication of the device with the computer is implemented via a serial port.
The configuration parameters of the serial port that the device creates were the following:

TMU cannot receive instructions, it can only send out the temperature values in regular time intervals (approx. 10 seconds).
The temperature is send in a format that is compatible with the Spinel protocol.
The thermometer’s serial line parameters are:

Speed : 9,600 Baud
Number of data bits : 8
Parity : none
Number of stop-bits : 1

— From

Since the newly attached devices were USB-to-Serial devices, we knew that they would create ttyUSBx devices in the /dev folder.
Indeed, after checking into the /dev folder, there were two newly created devices ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1, one for each device.

We tried to connect to the devices using various methods and attempted to redirect the output so that we could parse it.
To our surprise, the data would ‘disappear’ from the pipe…
We could see the data on the screen when we had no pipes following and we could even replace the \r character with \n so that each new information block would appear in a new line. But, whenever we tried to do additional formatting, e.g. remove all characters that are not part of the temperature description, the whole data would vanish..

Our solution

For us process substitution did the trick!
Process substitution feeds the output of a process into the stdin of another process.
We redirected the stdout that was being generated while reading the data from the serial port to another process from where we were able to normally process them.

The following example, reads the data from the serial port, from each line it discards all characters except for characters at the positions 6 until 11 where the temperature information is presented according to the documentation.

sudo sh -c "cat < /dev/ttyUSB0" 1> >(while read line; do echo $line | cut -c6-11; done);

The above command would turn data of this format:


To this format:


And so we could start the development of our script.

Our script

The following script will prepend the current date and time on each line (right before the temperature reading).

 sudo sh -c "cat < /dev/ttyUSB0" 1> >(while read line; do echo $line | cut -c6-11 | xargs -L 1 echo `date`; done); 

Another solution, using

It has come to our attention that some times the thermometers do no work as expected using the cat command.
So, we propose an alternative using is a very simple serial terminal and is part of pySerial. --echo --eol CR --quiet /dev/ttyUSB0 1> >(while read line; do echo $line | cut -c6-11 | xargs -L 1 echo `date`; done); 

Some details on the format from the manual:

The protocol format is shown in this example.
Example (the data are sent without the space characters from the TMU)

  • 1 Byte; Prefix: the character *
  • 1 Byte; Format code: the character B
  • 1 Byte; The address of the thermometer: the character 1
  • 2 Bytes; Device instruction code: the characters E1
  • 6 Bytes; Actual temperature value. It can be number from –055.0 to +125.0 or string Err.
    An ASCII string representing the temperature value including the sign. If there is a thermal sensor’s error, the Err string is transmitted.
  • 1 Byte; Terminating character: Carriage Return (Decimal: 13, Hex: 0Dh, Binary: 00001101, Character \r)


ATEN – USB-to-Serial Converter (35cm) UC232A – Windows 10 (64bit) Drivers


Recently we started using the UC232A USB-to-Serial Converter to connect to a board.
The software we used was TeraTerm on a 64bit Windows 10 without installing custom drivers.

Our serial port configuration was the following:

  • Baud rate: 115200
  • Data: 8 bit
  • Parity: none
  • Stop: 1 bit
  • Flow control: none
  • Transmit delay:
    5 msec/char
    5 msec/line

The problem

We noticed that something was wrong with the process as the terminal would not operate consistently.
Some times keystrokes did not appear on screen, in other times results would not appear correctly (they could be truncated or mixed with other data) and in general, the system acted like it was possessed by a ghost.


We played around with the configuration parameters, hoping that it was an issue like having the need to add large transmit delay but it did not change anything, the communication with the board was unstable.
Afterwards, we switched to another cable, of a different company, and everything worked as expected. The data on the screen was consistent and the ghost was banished. The UC232A was brand new so we tested that it works on a GNU/Linux machine, which turned out to be OK. Doing so, these two tests led us to the conclusion that since both the cable operates properly on GNU/Linux and the board operates properly using the other cable, that the issue we had was the automatically installed Windows 10 drivers.


While the cable was unplugged, we installed the official drivers we found here.
To find the drivers on that page, click on Support and Download tab at the bottom and then click on the Software & Drivers panel.
From the new table that will appear, under the category Windows Legacy Software & Driver we used the latest version that was available at the time that this post was written, which was v1.0.082 dated 2016-01-27 ([download id=”2357″] retrieved on the 23rd of November 2016).
After the download was finished, we restarted the machine, plugged in the cable and gave it another go.
The system was working as expected.

Following, you will find the screenshots from the device manager, after we got the cable working right.


