
Latex/Beamer: Do you type too many notes?

We most certainly do!

For that reason we needed to make the template for the notes as simple as possible. To avoid developing our own template for the notes page, we used one of the three basic predefined templates named plain.

Using plain we got an empty slide in the notes page which allowed us to add a lot more content!

The basic 3 template options for the notes slide are the following

  1. default The default template shows the last slide in the upper right corner and some information that should help you match a note page to the slide that is currently shown (e.g. title of section and subsection).
  2. compress The option produces an output that is similar to the default, it fits more content onto each note page at the price of legibility.
  3. plain An empty page to add notes to.

Usage example:

\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
\setbeamertemplate{note page}[default]
Some content.
\note{Some note for the content}

Custom terminator layout with multiple tabs and terminals

The following terminator layout ([download id=”4658″]) opens 3 different tabs, the first two tabs contain only one terminal each and the third one has 4 terminals in a 2×2 matrix.
Each of these tabs have their own custom name set and following each terminal has its name set to make it easier for the user to recognize the purpose of each one.

[download id=”4658″]

After opening these terminals, the configuration file, contains specific commands to be executed by each terminal, allowing you to automate a some trivial part of your day to day operations.
In this example, each terminal will navigate to a specific project or connect via ssh to some server, then it will perform some operation like performing a git pull and finally it will preserve the connection for you by starting a new bash instance to continue using that terminal.

Feel free to edit the layout and create a custom configuration for your tabs / the terminals and the commands.

Installation / Usage

  1. Replace the config ([download id=”4658″]) file in your home user folder ~/.config/terminator/  with the one we provide
    (In nautilus press Ctrl+H to view hidden files and folders if you cannot find the .config folder)
  2. Open terminator and execute the following:
    terminator -l init;

If you want to create an alias for this command:
Open .bashrc file at your home user folder and add the following

alias my-init="terminator -l init"

For any new terminal in terminator, executing my-init will spawn a new window of terminator that has all the configuration from the file loaded into it.

Contents of [download id=”4658″]

      parent = window0
      type = Terminal
      parent = ""
      type = Window
      fullscreen = False
      last_active_window = True
      maximised = True
      order = 0
      parent = ""
      position = 0:26
      size = 1918, 1002
      title = /bin/bash
      type = Window
      active_page = 0
      labels = www, MA, all other, dev logs, staging logs, live logs
      last_active_term = d3c317d7-964a-4625-96d0-39deb5166072, 93ce7874-059e-4794-b337-7b640654a3d6, db090e6f-07e4-431e-ad86-a8b6cb965b5e, 906a5f4d-a3af-4da8-8385-673b132e7edd, 1b48b3b9-216c-470b-be53-ec1e8c6fdc0b, cb7d737c-a064-4e0e-ad5e-59c47d7bdd3b
      order = 0
      parent = child0
      type = Notebook
      order = 3
      parent = child1
      position = 956
      ratio = 0.500261643119
      type = HPaned
      order = 4
      parent = child1
      position = 956
      ratio = 0.500261643119
      type = HPaned
      order = 5
      parent = child1
      position = 956
      ratio = 0.500261643119
      type = HPaned
      order = 2
      parent = child1
      position = 956
      ratio = 0.500261643119
      type = HPaned
      order = 0
      parent = child4
      position = 481
      ratio = 0.500520291363
      type = VPaned
      order = 1
      parent = child4
      position = 481
      ratio = 0.500520291363
      type = VPaned
      command = cd /vhosts/www.example.com/; git pull; bash
      order = 1
      parent = child8
      profile = default
      title = www.example.com
      type = Terminal
      uuid = db090e6f-07e4-431e-ad86-a8b6cb965b5e
      command = "ssh -t git 'cd vhosts/www.bytefreaks.net/ci_applications/registration_forms/logs/; ll; bash'"
      directory = ""
      order = 0
      parent = child11
      profile = default
      title = WWW dev logs
      type = Terminal
      uuid = 4c08356b-b516-4286-8b6d-ba071f1394f3
      command = "ssh -t git 'cd vhosts/my.bytefreaks.net/symfony/var/logs/; ll; bash'"
      directory = ""
      order = 1
      parent = child11
      profile = default
      title = MA dev logs
      type = Terminal
      uuid = 906a5f4d-a3af-4da8-8385-673b132e7edd
      command = "ssh -t web13 'cd /data/var/www/vhosts/staging-www.bytefreaks.net/htdocs/ci_applications/registration_forms/logs/; ls -la; bash'"
      order = 0
      parent = child14
      profile = default
      title = WWW staging logs
      type = Terminal
      uuid = 1b48b3b9-216c-470b-be53-ec1e8c6fdc0b
      command = "ssh -t web13 'cd /data/var/www/vhosts/staging-my.bytefreaks.net/htdocs/symfony/var/logs/; ls -la; bash'"
      order = 1
      parent = child14
      profile = default
      title = MA staging logs
      type = Terminal
      uuid = e26e94cd-855a-44ff-9c67-66b1c03bac56
      command = "ssh -t web13 'cd /data/var/www/vhosts/www.bytefreaks.net/htdocs/ci_applications/registration_forms/logs/; ls -la; bash'"
      directory = ""
      order = 0
      parent = child17
      profile = default
      title = WWW Live logs
      type = Terminal
      uuid = 70466609-2d01-45d2-84b4-e377b111e540
      command = "ssh -t web13 'cd /data/var/www/vhosts/my.bytefreaks.net/htdocs/symfony/var/logs/; ls -la; bash'"
      directory = ""
      order = 1
      parent = child17
      profile = default
      title = MA Live logs
      type = Terminal
      uuid = cb7d737c-a064-4e0e-ad5e-59c47d7bdd3b
      command = cd /vhosts/www.bytefreaks.net/; git pull; bash
      order = 0
      parent = child1
      profile = default
      title = www.bytefreaks.net
      type = Terminal
      uuid = d3c317d7-964a-4625-96d0-39deb5166072
      command = cd /vhosts/my.bytefreaks.net/; git pull; bash
      order = 1
      parent = child1
      profile = default
      title = my.bytefreaks.net
      type = Terminal
      uuid = 93ce7874-059e-4794-b337-7b640654a3d6
      command = cd /vhosts/www.michanicos.com/; git pull; bash
      order = 0
      parent = child5
      profile = default
      title = www.michanicos.com
      type = Terminal
      uuid = 2f204209-0c0b-4fab-b883-95f95f5d38e9
      command = cd /vhosts/www.etea.com.cy/; git pull; bash
      order = 1
      parent = child5
      profile = default
      title = www.etea.com.cy
      type = Terminal
      uuid = 6f801914-5225-4e1f-b54c-f48540274614
      command = cd /vhosts/www.ieee.org/; git pull; bash
      order = 0
      parent = child8
      profile = default
      title = www.ieee.org
      type = Terminal
      uuid = 3dbfe3a7-2e25-4e7d-bb02-dc4aeeeda47f
    background_darkness = 0.8
    cursor_color = "#ffffff"
    foreground_color = "#ffffff"

Download IEEE MGA Bio Template (CV template / Resume Template) version 2013

In the following link you will find the Bio (CV / Resume) template that was composed by IEEE MGA to be used for Candidate Submissions at MGA Volunteer Positions:

[download id=”4644″]

MGA (Member and Geographic Activities Board) Vision


Ensure Quality Member Opportunities for Continuous Engagement

Guiding Principles:

  • Membership is a core value of IEEE.
  • Members shape IEEE’s future.
  • Members collaborate to create IEEE’s future.
  • IEEE enhances members’ future.

C++: “undefined reference to” templated class function 6

In case you have a project where you use a templated class that is split in its own header (.h) and source (.cpp) files, if you compile the class, into an object file (.o), separately from the code that uses it, you will get the undefined reference to error at linking.

Lets assume we have Stack.cpp and Stack.h which define a templated stack using vectors. And main.cpp that uses this class after including Stack.h.

If you try to compile these files as mentioned above, one by one, later you will get a linking error saying undefined reference to for the methods of the class.

The code in the template is not sufficient to instruct the compiler to produce the methods that are needed by main.cpp (e.g. Stack<int>::push(...) and Stack<string>::push(...)) as the compiler does not know, while compiling Stack.cpp by itself, the data types it should provide support for.

The reason it allows you to compile these incomplete objects is the following:

  • main.cpp: the compiler will implicitly instantiate the template classes Stack<int> and Stack<string> because those particular instantiations are requested in main.cpp. Since the implementations of those member functions are not in main.cpp, nor in any header file included in main.cpp (particularly Stack.h), the compiler will not include complete versions of those functions in main.o and it will expect to find them in another object during linking.
  • Stack.cpp: the compiler won’t compile the instantiations of Stack<int> and Stack<string> neither as there are no implicit or explicit instantiations of them in Stack.cpp nor Stack.h.

So in the end, neither of the .o files contain the actual implementations of Stack<int> and Stack<string> and the linking fails.


Solution 1 : Explicitly instantiate the template

At the end of Stack.cpp, you can explicitly instantiate all needed templates.
In our example we would add:

template class Stack<int>;
template class Stack<std::string>;

This will ensure that, when the compiler is compiling Stack.cpp that it will explicitly compile all the code needed for the Stack<int> and Stack<std::string> classes.

Using this method, you should ensure that all the of the implementation is placed into one .cpp file and that the explicit instantation is placed after the definition of all the functions (for example, at the end of the file).

A problem with this method is that it forces you to update the Stack.cpp file each time you want to add support for a new data type (or remove one).

Solution 2 : Move the implementation code into the header file

Move all the source code of Stack.cpp to Stack.h, and then delete Stack.cpp. Using this method you do not need to manually instantiate all possible data types that are needed and thus you do not need to modify code of the class. As a side-effect, if you use the header file in many other source files, it will compile the functions of the header file in each source. This can make compilation slower but it will not create any compilation/linking problems, as the linker will ignore the duplicate implementations.

Solution 3 : Move the implementation code into a new header file and include it in the original header file

Rename Stack.cpp to Stack_impl.h, and then include Stack_impl.h from Stack.h to keep the implementation in a separate file from the declaration. This method will behave exactly like Solution 2.