
How to: Extract all usernames that are logged in from who

who | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort -u

who: will show who is logged on

cut  -d ‘ ‘ -f 1: will remove all sections from each line except for column 1. It will use the space character as the delimiter for the columns

sort -u: it will sort the usernames and remove duplicate lines. So if a user is logged in multiple times you will get that username only once.
In case you want to filter out root user from this list you can do it as follows:

who | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort -u | grep -v 'root'

Generate Random Password

date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo
date +%s : will print the system date and time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC

sha256sum :  will compute  the SHA256 message digest of the time in seconds we produced before

base64 : will encode the previous data and print them to standard output

head -c 32 : will print the first 32 characters of the previous data

; echo : is used to create a new line at the end of the results

Ubuntu Linux: How to register machine IPs and domain name to web-server using php

First of all you will need a page the will keep record of the registrations.

To do the paste the following code in a *.php file on a php-enabled webserver:


if (isset($_GET["ip"]) && isset($_GET["name"]))
  echo "Current Time " . gmdate("d/m/Y H:i:s e", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . " IP " . $_GET["ip"] . " Hostname " . $_GET["name"] . "!<br/>"; 
  $file=fopen("cookies.txt","a") or $file=fopen("log.txt","x");
  fwrite($file,"Time " . gmdate("d/m/Y H:i:s e", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . " IP " . $_GET["ip"] . " Hostname " . $_GET["name"] . "\n" );
  echo "Welcome Murloc!<br />";
  echo "Following the SSH Login Log File:<br /><br />";
  $file=fopen("log.txt","r") or $file=fopen("cookies.txt","x");
    echo fgets($file). "<br />";
  echo "Your IP is ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. "<br />Current Time " . gmdate("d/m/Y H:i:s e", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . "<br /><br />";
  echo "Bye Bye Bob<br />";

The above php script will store your IP and Hostname if you provide them on the URL along with the time that the event happened and if you do not then it will list the registered IPs.

NOTE:Not sure how safe this code is

In order to invoke it / send you IP and hostname, issue form bash the following:

IPs=`ifconfig  | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`
wget "$IPs&name=$HOSTNAME" -o /dev/null