
An Introduction to Elm Series: Solution to ‘Binary Tree’ example

In, we are given a basic implementation of a binary tree and we are asked to extend it in various ways.

To implement the Breadth First Traversal, we had to use another module that acts like a Queue. The code of that Queue is available at this post and it is also included in the zip file with the code of this solution ( [download id=”1828″]).

Below you will find our solutions to these challenges.

{- OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------

   A "Tree" represents a binary tree. A "Node" in a binary tree
   always has two children. A tree can also be "Empty". Below I have
   defined "Tree" and a number of useful functions.

   This example also includes some challenge problems!


module Main exposing (..)

import Queue exposing (Queue)
import Html exposing (Html, div, text, br)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)


type Tree a
    = Empty
    | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

empty : Tree a
empty =

singleton : a -> Tree a
singleton v =
    Node v Empty Empty

insert : comparable -> Tree comparable -> Tree comparable
insert x tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->
            singleton x

        Node y left right ->
            if x > y then
                Node y left (insert x right)
            else if x < y then
                Node y (insert x left) right

fromList : List comparable -> Tree comparable
fromList xs =
    List.foldl insert empty xs

depth : Tree a -> Int
depth tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node v left right ->
            1 + max (depth left) (depth right)

map : (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
map f tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node v left right ->
            Node (f v) (map f left) (map f right)

-- (1) Sum all of the elements of a tree.

sum : Tree number -> number
sum tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node value left right ->
            value + sum left + sum right

-- (2) Flatten a tree into a list.

flatten : Tree a -> List a
flatten tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node value left right ->
            flatten left ++ [ value ] ++ flatten right

-- (3) Check to see if an element is in a given tree.

isElement : a -> Tree a -> Bool
isElement element tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node value left right ->
            -- We short circuit the evaluation, if we find early that the element is in the tree we stop the recursion down this path.
            if value == element then
                isElement element left || isElement element right

{--(4) Write a general fold function that acts on trees. The fold
    function does not need to guarantee a particular order of

fold : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
fold function element tree =
    case tree of
        Node value left right ->
            function value (fold function (fold function element right) left)

        Empty ->

{--(5) Use "fold" to do exercises 1-3 in one line each. The best
    readable versions I have come up have the following length
    in characters including spaces and function name:
      sum: 16
      flatten: 21
      isElement: 46
    See if you can match or beat me! Don't forget about currying
    and partial application!--}
-- The following functions are called as parameters for the fold function
-- Sum the values of all nodes in the tree

sumByFold : number -> number -> number
sumByFold elementA elementB =
    elementA + elementB

-- Flatten the tree in a pre-order fashion

flattenByFold : a -> List a -> List a
flattenByFold element list =
    [ element ] ++ list

-- Count the total number of nodes in the tree

countByFold : number -> number -> number
countByFold element count' =
    1 + count'

-- The following functions are using fold internally
-- Sum the values of all nodes in the tree

sumUsingFold : Tree number -> number
sumUsingFold =
    fold (+) 0

-- Flatten the tree in an in-order fashion

flattenUsingFold : Tree a -> List a
flattenUsingFold =
    fold (::) []

-- Checks if a certain element is in the tree

isElementUsingFold : a -> Tree a -> Bool
isElementUsingFold element =
    fold ((==) element >> (||)) False

-- (6) Can "fold" be used to implement "map" or "depth"?
{--(7) Try experimenting with different ways to traverse a
    tree: pre-order, in-order, post-order, depth-first, etc.
    More info at:}
-- Depth-first

preOrder : Tree a -> List a
preOrder tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node value left right ->
            [ value ] ++ preOrder left ++ preOrder right

inOrder : Tree a -> List a
inOrder tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node value left right ->
            inOrder left ++ [ value ] ++ inOrder right

postOrder : Tree a -> List a
postOrder tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node value left right ->
            postOrder left ++ postOrder right ++ [ value ]

-- Breadth-first

go : Queue (Tree a) -> List a
go queue =
        ( maybe', queue' ) =
            Queue.dequeue queue
        case maybe' of
            Just node ->
                case node of
                    Empty ->
                        go queue'

                    Node value left right ->
                        [ value ] ++ go (Queue.enqueue right (Queue.enqueue left queue'))

            Nothing ->

levelOrder : Tree a -> List a
levelOrder tree =
    case tree of
        Empty ->

        Node value left right ->
            go (Queue.enqueue tree (Queue.init))


deepTree =
    fromList [ 1, 2, 3 ]

niceTree =
    fromList [ 2, 1, 3 ]

deepTree' =
    fromList [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

niceTree' =
    fromList [ 4, 6, 2, 3, 5, 1, 7 ]

main =
    div [ style [ ( "font-family", "monospace" ) ] ]
        [ display "depth deepTree" (depth deepTree)
        , display "depth niceTree" (depth niceTree)
        , display "incremented" (map (\n -> n + 1) niceTree)
        , display "sum deepTree" (sum deepTree)
        , display "sum niceTree" (sum niceTree)
        , display "fold sumByFold 0 deepTree" (fold sumByFold 0 deepTree)
        , display "fold sumByFold 0 niceTree" (fold sumByFold 0 niceTree)
        , display "sumUsingFold deepTree" (sumUsingFold deepTree)
        , display "sumUsingFold niceTree" (sumUsingFold niceTree)
        , display "flatten deepTree" (flatten deepTree)
        , display "flatten niceTree" (flatten niceTree)
        , display "fold flattenByFold deepTree" (fold flattenByFold [] deepTree)
        , display "fold flattenByFold niceTree" (fold flattenByFold [] niceTree)
        , display "flattenUsingFold deepTree" (flattenUsingFold deepTree)
        , display "flattenUsingFold niceTree" (flattenUsingFold niceTree)
        , display "isElement deepTree 3" (isElement 3 deepTree)
        , display "isElement deepTree 4" (isElement 4 deepTree)
        , display "isElement niceTree 3" (isElement 3 niceTree)
        , display "isElement niceTree 4" (isElement 4 niceTree)
        , display "isElementUsingFold 3 deepTree" (isElementUsingFold 3 deepTree)
        , display "isElementUsingFold 4 deepTree" (isElementUsingFold 4 deepTree)
        , display "isElementUsingFold 3 niceTree" (isElementUsingFold 3 niceTree)
        , display "isElementUsingFold 4 niceTree" (isElementUsingFold 4 niceTree)
        , display "fold countByFold 0 deepTree" (fold countByFold 0 deepTree)
        , display "fold countByFold 0 niceTree" (fold countByFold 0 niceTree)
        , display "preOrder deepTree" (preOrder deepTree)
        , display "preOrder niceTree" (preOrder niceTree)
        , display "inOrder deepTree" (inOrder deepTree)
        , display "inOrder niceTree" (inOrder niceTree)
        , display "postOrder deepTree" (postOrder deepTree)
        , display "postOrder niceTree" (postOrder niceTree)
        , display "levelOrder deepTree" (levelOrder deepTree)
        , display "levelOrder niceTree" (levelOrder niceTree)
        , br [] []
        , display "depth deepTree'" (depth deepTree')
        , display "depth niceTree'" (depth niceTree')
        , display "incremented" (map (\n -> n + 1) niceTree')
        , display "sum deepTree'" (sum deepTree')
        , display "sum niceTree'" (sum niceTree')
        , display "fold sumByFold 0 deepTree'" (fold sumByFold 0 deepTree')
        , display "fold sumByFold 0 niceTree'" (fold sumByFold 0 niceTree')
        , display "sumUsingFold deepTree'" (sumUsingFold deepTree')
        , display "sumUsingFold niceTree'" (sumUsingFold niceTree')
        , display "flatten deepTree'" (flatten deepTree')
        , display "flatten niceTree'" (flatten niceTree')
        , display "fold flattenByFold deepTree'" (fold flattenByFold [] deepTree')
        , display "fold flattenByFold niceTree'" (fold flattenByFold [] niceTree')
        , display "flattenUsingFold deepTree'" (flattenUsingFold deepTree')
        , display "flattenUsingFold niceTree'" (flattenUsingFold niceTree')
        , display "isElement deepTree' 3" (isElement 3 deepTree')
        , display "isElement deepTree' 4" (isElement 4 deepTree')
        , display "isElement niceTree' 3" (isElement 3 niceTree')
        , display "isElement niceTree' 4" (isElement 4 niceTree')
        , display "isElementUsingFold 3 deepTree'" (isElementUsingFold 3 deepTree')
        , display "isElementUsingFold 4 deepTree'" (isElementUsingFold 4 deepTree')
        , display "isElementUsingFold 3 niceTree'" (isElementUsingFold 3 niceTree')
        , display "isElementUsingFold 4 niceTree'" (isElementUsingFold 4 niceTree')
        , display "fold countByFold 0 deepTree'" (fold countByFold 0 deepTree')
        , display "fold countByFold 0 niceTree'" (fold countByFold 0 niceTree')
        , display "preOrder deepTree'" (preOrder deepTree')
        , display "preOrder niceTree'" (preOrder niceTree')
        , display "inOrder deepTree'" (inOrder deepTree')
        , display "inOrder niceTree'" (inOrder niceTree')
        , display "postOrder deepTree'" (postOrder deepTree')
        , display "postOrder niceTree'" (postOrder niceTree')
        , display "levelOrder deepTree'" (levelOrder deepTree')
        , display "levelOrder niceTree'" (levelOrder niceTree')

display : String -> a -> Html msg
display name value =
    div [] [ text (name ++ " ==> " ++ toString value) ]



(1) Sum all of the elements of a tree.

       sum : Tree number -> number

(2) Flatten a tree into a list.

       flatten : Tree a -> List a

(3) Check to see if an element is in a given tree.

       isElement : a -> Tree a -> Bool

(4) Write a general fold function that acts on trees. The fold
    function does not need to guarantee a particular order of

       fold : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b

(5) Use "fold" to do exercises 1-3 in one line each. The best
    readable versions I have come up have the following length
    in characters including spaces and function name:
      sum: 16
      flatten: 21
      isElement: 46
    See if you can match or beat me! Don't forget about currying
    and partial application!

(6) Can "fold" be used to implement "map" or "depth"?

(7) Try experimenting with different ways to traverse a
    tree: pre-order, in-order, post-order, depth-first, etc.
    More info at:


The output of the above is the following

depth deepTree ==> 3
depth niceTree ==> 2
incremented ==> Node 3 (Node 2 Empty Empty) (Node 4 Empty Empty)
sum deepTree ==> 6
sum niceTree ==> 6
fold sumByFold 0 deepTree ==> 6
fold sumByFold 0 niceTree ==> 6
sumUsingFold deepTree ==> 6
sumUsingFold niceTree ==> 6
flatten deepTree ==> [1,2,3]
flatten niceTree ==> [1,2,3]
fold flattenByFold deepTree ==> [1,2,3]
fold flattenByFold niceTree ==> [2,1,3]
flattenUsingFold deepTree ==> [1,2,3]
flattenUsingFold niceTree ==> [2,1,3]
isElement deepTree 3 ==> True
isElement deepTree 4 ==> False
isElement niceTree 3 ==> True
isElement niceTree 4 ==> False
isElementUsingFold 3 deepTree ==> True
isElementUsingFold 4 deepTree ==> False
isElementUsingFold 3 niceTree ==> True
isElementUsingFold 4 niceTree ==> False
fold countByFold 0 deepTree ==> 3
fold countByFold 0 niceTree ==> 3
preOrder deepTree ==> [1,2,3]
preOrder niceTree ==> [2,1,3]
inOrder deepTree ==> [1,2,3]
inOrder niceTree ==> [1,2,3]
postOrder deepTree ==> [3,2,1]
postOrder niceTree ==> [1,3,2]
levelOrder deepTree ==> [1,2,3]
levelOrder niceTree ==> [2,1,3]

depth deepTree' ==> 7
depth niceTree' ==> 3
incremented ==> Node 5 (Node 3 (Node 2 Empty Empty) (Node 4 Empty Empty)) (Node 7 (Node 6 Empty Empty) (Node 8 Empty Empty))
sum deepTree' ==> 28
sum niceTree' ==> 28
fold sumByFold 0 deepTree' ==> 28
fold sumByFold 0 niceTree' ==> 28
sumUsingFold deepTree' ==> 28
sumUsingFold niceTree' ==> 28
flatten deepTree' ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
flatten niceTree' ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
fold flattenByFold deepTree' ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
fold flattenByFold niceTree' ==> [4,2,1,3,6,5,7]
flattenUsingFold deepTree' ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
flattenUsingFold niceTree' ==> [4,2,1,3,6,5,7]
isElement deepTree' 3 ==> True
isElement deepTree' 4 ==> True
isElement niceTree' 3 ==> True
isElement niceTree' 4 ==> True
isElementUsingFold 3 deepTree' ==> True
isElementUsingFold 4 deepTree' ==> True
isElementUsingFold 3 niceTree' ==> True
isElementUsingFold 4 niceTree' ==> True
fold countByFold 0 deepTree' ==> 7
fold countByFold 0 niceTree' ==> 7
preOrder deepTree' ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
preOrder niceTree' ==> [4,2,1,3,6,5,7]
inOrder deepTree' ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
inOrder niceTree' ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
postOrder deepTree' ==> [7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
postOrder niceTree' ==> [1,3,2,5,7,6,4]
levelOrder deepTree' ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
levelOrder niceTree' ==> [4,2,6,1,3,5,7]

You can download the solution from here [download id=”1828″]

An Introduction to Elm Series: Solution to ‘Pair of Counters’ example

In, we are given an application that reuses the counter application that was converted into a module for the purpose of this tutorial.

We were asked to make a swap between the two instances of the counter. That was easy due to the nature of the updates that create a new version of the model each time instead of updating it. So, we just swapped the instances of the two counters in the update.

Later, we were asked to extend the counter to log some statistics, since the parent module was not using the model directly it was very easy for us to extend the model and implement the changes needed in the update and the view of the model. No signatures were changed and init was modified to initialize all statistics along with the value.

Parent Module (1-counter-pair.elm)

import Counter
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.App as App
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)

main =
    { model = init 0 0
    , update = update
    , view = view


type alias Model =
  { topCounter : Counter.Model
  , bottomCounter : Counter.Model

init : Int -> Int -> Model
init top bottom =
  { topCounter = Counter.init top
  , bottomCounter = Counter.init bottom


type Msg
  = Reset
  | Top Counter.Msg
  | Bottom Counter.Msg
  | Swap

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update message model =
  case message of
    Reset ->
      init 0 0

    Top msg ->
      { model | topCounter = Counter.update msg model.topCounter }

    Bottom msg ->
      { model | bottomCounter = Counter.update msg model.bottomCounter }

    Swap ->
      { model | bottomCounter = model.topCounter, topCounter = model.bottomCounter }


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    [ Top (Counter.view model.topCounter)
    , Bottom (Counter.view model.bottomCounter)
    , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "RESET" ]
    , button [ onClick Swap ] [ text "Swap" ]

Counter Module (Counter.elm)

module Counter exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)


type alias Model =
  { count : Int
  , max' : Int
  , min' : Int
  , increment : Int
  , decrement : Int

init : Int -> Model
init count =
  Model count 0 0 0 0


type Msg
  = Increment
  | Decrement

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
  case msg of
    Increment ->
      { model |
        count = model.count + 1
        , max' = Basics.max (model.count + 1) model.max'
        , increment = model.increment + 1

    Decrement ->
      { model |
        count = model.count - 1
        , min' = Basics.min (model.count - 1) model.min'
        , decrement = model.decrement + 1


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div []
    [ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
    , div [ countStyle ] [ text (toString model.count) ]
    , button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]
    , div [] [ text ("Max " ++ (toString model.max')) ]
    , div [] [ text ("Min " ++ (toString model.min')) ]
    , div [] [ text ("Increment " ++ (toString model.increment)) ]
    , div [] [ text ("Decrement " ++ (toString model.decrement)) ]

countStyle : Attribute msg
countStyle =
    [ ("font-size", "20px")
    , ("font-family", "monospace")
    , ("display", "inline-block")
    , ("width", "50px")
    , ("text-align", "center")


You can download the solution from here [download id=”1822″]

An Introduction to Elm Series: Solution to ‘Time’ example

In, we are given an application that resembles a clock and we are asked to add a button to pause it and add additional hands.

What we did in the following code is:

  • We created a normal clock that shows the time in UTC
  • A toggle button that pauses/resumes it was added
  • We added the second, minute and hour hands. Which we gave them different lengths and colors
  • We created utilities to convert time to angle in degrees both for minutes/seconds and for hours
  • A new function that adds the leading zero to values when we print the time in digital format was created
import Html exposing (Html, br, div, button)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Html.App as Html
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
import Time exposing (Time, second)

main =
    { init = init
    , view = view
    , update = update
    , subscriptions = subscriptions


type alias Model =
  { time : Time
  , state : Bool

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
  (Model 0 True, Cmd.none)


type Msg
  = Tick Time
  | Toggle

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
  case msg of
    Tick newTime ->
      ({ model | time = newTime }, Cmd.none)

    Toggle ->
      (toggleState model, Cmd.none)

toggleState : Model -> Model
toggleState model =
  {model | state = not(model.state)}

printWithLeadingZero : Int -> String
printWithLeadingZero number =
  if number < 10 then
    "0" ++ (toString number)
    toString number

degressCorrection : Float
degressCorrection =
  90.0 -- The correction we must do on our analog clock to show 12 pointing up instead to the right

degressForHour : Float
degressForHour =
  360.0 / 12.0 -- We divide the total degrees of a full circle by the full hours of the day to get the degrees per hour

degreesForMinute : Float
degreesForMinute =
  360.0 / 60.0 -- We divide the total degrees of a full circle by the full minutes of the hour to get the degrees per minute

convertToDegrees : Int -> Float -> Float
convertToDegrees value degreesPerPoint =
  degrees (((toFloat value) * degreesPerPoint) - degressCorrection)

minutesToDegrees : Int -> Float
minutesToDegrees minutes =
  convertToDegrees minutes degreesForMinute

hoursToDegrees : Int -> Float
hoursToDegrees hours =
  convertToDegrees hours degressForHour


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
  case model.state of
    True ->
      Time.every second Tick
    False ->


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =

    second' =
        Time.inSeconds model.time

    secondOfMinute =
        truncate second' `rem` 60

    secondAngle =
      minutesToDegrees secondOfMinute

    secondHandX =
      toString (50 + 40 * cos secondAngle)

    secondHandY =
      toString (50 + 40 * sin secondAngle)

    minute' =
      Time.inMinutes model.time

    minuteOfHour =
      truncate minute' `rem` 60

    minuteAngle =
      minutesToDegrees minuteOfHour

    minuteHandX =
      toString (50 + 35 * cos minuteAngle)

    minuteHandY =
      toString (50 +35 * sin minuteAngle)

    hour' =
      Time.inHours model.time

    hourOfDay =
      truncate hour' `rem` 24

    hourAngle =
      hoursToDegrees hourOfDay

    hourHandX =
      toString (50 + 30 * cos hourAngle)

    hourHandY =
      toString (50 + 30 * sin hourAngle)

    currentTime =
      (printWithLeadingZero hourOfDay) ++ ":" ++ (printWithLeadingZero minuteOfHour) ++ ":" ++ (printWithLeadingZero secondOfMinute)

    div []
      [ div [] [text currentTime]
      , svg [ viewBox "0 0 100 100", width "300px" ]
        [ circle [ cx "50", cy "50", r "45", fill "#0B79CE" ] []
        , line [ x1 "50", y1 "50", x2 secondHandX, y2 secondHandY, stroke "#ee0000" ] []
        , line [ x1 "50", y1 "50", x2 minuteHandX, y2 minuteHandY, stroke "#0000ee" ] []
        , line [ x1 "50", y1 "50", x2 hourHandX, y2 hourHandY, stroke "#023963" ] []
      , br [] []
      , button [onClick Toggle] [text "Toggle Clock Status"]

You can download the solution from here [download id=”1816″]


An Introduction to Elm Series: Solution to ‘HTTP’ example 5

In the, we were given a sample that loads random images from a web application on another service thought HTTP requests.

We were asked to print the error message of the request (if any) and update the UI to allow changing the topic (a parameter of the web call) either through an input field or a drop down list.

We wrote a message that accepts as string the new topic, that message is used both in the case of the input and in the case of the select list. Finally, we made sure that the ‘Please Wait’ image is shown while loading the new image from the remote server. The path for the ‘Please Wait’ image was added to a custom function to emulate a public static string value.

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as Html
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Json
import Task

main =
    { init = init "cats"
    , view = view
    , update = update
    , subscriptions = subscriptions


type alias Model =
  { topic : String
  , gifUrl : String
  , error : String

waitingImage : String
waitingImage =

init : String -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init topic =
  ( Model topic waitingImage ""
  , getRandomGif topic


type Msg
  = MorePlease
  | FetchSucceed String
  | FetchFail Http.Error
  | NewTopic String

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
  case msg of
    MorePlease ->
      ({ model | gifUrl = waitingImage }, getRandomGif model.topic)

    FetchSucceed newUrl ->
      (Model model.topic newUrl "", Cmd.none)

    FetchFail error ->
      (Model model.topic waitingImage (toString error), Cmd.none)

    NewTopic newTopic ->
      ({ model | topic = newTopic }, Cmd.none)


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div []
    [ h2 [] [text model.topic]
    , input [ type' "text", placeholder "Topic", onInput NewTopic ] []
    , select [ onInput NewTopic ]
      [ option [] [ text "Pokemon" ]
      , option [] [ text "SuperCars" ]
      , option [] [ text "Cyprus" ]
      , option [] [ text "Cats" ]
      , option [] [ text "Dogs" ]
    , button [ onClick MorePlease ] [ text "More Please!" ]
    , br [] []
    , img [src model.gifUrl] []
    , br [] []
    , div [] [text model.error]


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =


getRandomGif : String -> Cmd Msg
getRandomGif topic =
    url =
      "//" ++ topic
    Task.perform FetchFail FetchSucceed (Http.get decodeGifUrl url)

decodeGifUrl : Json.Decoder String
decodeGifUrl = ["data", "image_url"] Json.string

You can download the solution from here [download id=”1811″]