Monthly Archives: February 2017

C Bit Fields: Full example code

The following two examples demonstrate the use of bit fields to reduce memory consumption of certain applications.

In the first example we create a compressed ‘bit’ struct and on the second we create a weird struct representation for bytes to show that the size of that struct is significantly less that the original one.

First example: Using bit fields to create a ‘bit’ structure

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#include <stdio.h>

// Weird structure to represent a 'bit'
typedef struct {
    unsigned char value;
} bit;

// 'bit' structure using bit fields
typedef struct {
    unsigned char value : 1;
} bit_bit_field;

int main( ) {

    printf( "Memory size occupied by 'bit' struct : %zu bytes\n", sizeof(bit));
    printf( "Memory size occupied by 'bit_bit_field' struct : %zu bytes\n", sizeof(bit_bit_field));

    bit bits[8];
    bit_bit_field bits_bit_field[8];

    printf( "Memory size occupied by 'bits' array : %zu bytes\n", sizeof(bits));
    printf( "Memory size occupied by 'bits_bit_field' array : %zu bytes\n", sizeof(bits_bit_field));

    // Setting the value of the first 'bit' and then printing it.
    // We will use various values for this test to show that when you set a value to a bit field
    // that is greater that the allowed size it will fill it using the last bits only.
    // It will not spill data though to neighbouring 'bits'.
    unsigned char value;
    for (value = 0; value < 4; value++)
        printf("Input Value: %d\n", value);
        int bits_i;
        const int bits_length = (sizeof(bits) / sizeof(bit));
        for (bits_i = 0; bits_i < bits_length; bits_i++)
            if (bits_i % 2)
                bits[bits_i].value = 0;
                bits[bits_i].value = value;
            printf("%d", bits[bits_i].value);

        int bits_bit_field_i;
        const int bits_bit_field_length = (sizeof(bits_bit_field) / sizeof(bit_bit_field));
        for (bits_bit_field_i = 0; bits_bit_field_i < bits_bit_field_length; bits_bit_field_i++)
            if (bits_bit_field_i % 2)
                bits_bit_field[bits_bit_field_i].value = 0;
                bits_bit_field[bits_bit_field_i].value = value;
            printf("%d", bits_bit_field[bits_bit_field_i].value);
    return 0;

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Execution output

Memory size occupied by 'bit' struct : 1 bytes
Memory size occupied by 'bit_bit_field' struct : 1 bytes
Memory size occupied by 'bits' array : 8 bytes
Memory size occupied by 'bits_bit_field' array : 8 bytes
Input Value: 0
Input Value: 1
Input Value: 2
Input Value: 3

Second example: Using bit fields to create a ‘byte’ structure where each ‘bit’ is another named member

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#include <stdio.h>

// Weird structure to represent a 'byte'
typedef struct {
    unsigned char bit_0;
    unsigned char bit_1;
    unsigned char bit_2;
    unsigned char bit_3;
    unsigned char bit_4;
    unsigned char bit_5;
    unsigned char bit_6;
    unsigned char bit_7;
} byte;

// 'byte' structure using bit fields
// Unfortunately we cannot declare an array where the values are bit fields,
// so we have to declare each member separately.
// We instruct the compiler to use only one bit per element.
typedef struct {
    unsigned char bit_0 : 1;
    unsigned char bit_1 : 1;
    unsigned char bit_2 : 1;
    unsigned char bit_3 : 1;
    unsigned char bit_4 : 1;
    unsigned char bit_5 : 1;
    unsigned char bit_6 : 1;
    unsigned char bit_7 : 1;
} byte_bit_field;

int main( ) {

    printf( "Memory size occupied by 'byte' struct : %zu bytes\n", sizeof(byte));
    printf( "Memory size occupied by 'byte_bit_field' struct : %zu bytes\n", sizeof(byte_bit_field));

    byte bytes[8];
    byte_bit_field bytes_bit_field[8];

    printf( "Memory size occupied by 'bytes' array : %zu bytes\n", sizeof(bytes));
    printf( "Memory size occupied by 'bytes_bit_field' array : %zu bytes\n", sizeof(bytes_bit_field));

    // Setting the value of the first 'bit' and then printing it.
    // We will use various values for this test to show that when you set a value to a bit field
    // that is greater that the allowed size it will fill it using the last bits only.
    // It will not spill data though to neighbouring 'bits'.
    unsigned char value;
    for (value = 0; value < 4; value++)
        printf("Input Value: %d\n", value);
        int bytes_i;
        const int bytes_length = (sizeof(bytes) / sizeof(byte));
        for (bytes_i = 0; bytes_i < bytes_length; bytes_i++)
            if (bytes_i % 2)
                bytes[bytes_i].bit_3 = 0;
                bytes[bytes_i].bit_3 = value;
            printf(" %d  ", bytes[bytes_i].bit_3);

        int bytes_bit_field_i;
        const int bytes_bit_field_length = (sizeof(bytes_bit_field) / sizeof(byte_bit_field));
        for (bytes_bit_field_i = 0; bytes_bit_field_i < bytes_bit_field_length; bytes_bit_field_i++)
            if (bytes_bit_field_i % 2)
                bytes_bit_field[bytes_bit_field_i].bit_3 = 0;
                bytes_bit_field[bytes_bit_field_i].bit_3 = value;
            printf("%d%d%d ",
    return 0;

[download id=”2692″]

Execution output

Memory size occupied by 'byte' struct : 8 bytes
Memory size occupied by 'byte_bit_field' struct : 1 bytes
Memory size occupied by 'bytes' array : 64 bytes
Memory size occupied by 'bytes_bit_field' array : 8 bytes
Input Value: 0
 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 
Input Value: 1
 1   0   1   0   1   0   1   0  
010 000 010 000 010 000 010 000 
Input Value: 2
 2   0   2   0   2   0   2   0  
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 
Input Value: 3
 3   0   3   0   3   0   3   0  
010 000 010 000 010 000 010 000

grep: How to match lines using any of multiple patterns

Recently, we needed to filter the results of ps x using two different patterns.
The first pattern was ./ where we needed to match that exact character sequence.
The . period character is treated as a special character in regular expressions (it matches a single character of any value, except for the end of line), so we decided to use the -F parameter to remove this special handling.
Doing this change prevented us from writing a regular expression that uses the OR | operator.

-F (or --fixed-strings) is a matching control option that instructs grep to interpret the patterns as a list of fixed strings (instead of regular expressions), separated by newlines, any of which is to be matched.
We tried assigning the different patterns as different lines to a variable and then using them on the pipe, like in the following example:

ps x | grep -F $patterns;

..but it failed.


grep supports a matching control option -e that allows us to define multiple patterns using different strings.

-e PATTERN (or --regexp=PATTERN) uses the value PATTERN as the pattern. If this option is used  multiple times or it is combined with the -f (--file) option, grep will search for all patterns given.

In the end, our command was transformed to the following, which worked just fine!

ps x | grep -F -e "./" -e "banana";

A small note on how we use valgrind

valgrind is a suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs.
We use it for debugging and profiling Linux executable files.

Despite the fact that it can do a whole lot of stuff, usually we use it as follows (when we do not forget) to test our applications for memory leaks:

valgrind --show-leak-kinds=all --leak-check=full $application $application_arguments;

The options we chose are the following:

  • --show-leak-kinds=all It will show all leaks (definite, indirect, possible, reachable) in the full leak search (see next bullet)
  • --leak-check=full this option instructs valgrind to search for memory leaks when the client program finishes.
    Each individual leak will be shown in detail and be counted as an error.

These options are extremely useful as they will catch a lot of little leaks that you might have missed (e.g. closing a file, freeing some memory, …)

List available functions in a shared library .so file

Recently, we wanted to see if a certain function call was available in a shared library (.so).

To do so we used the command nm.
nm lists symbols from object files.

We used the command nm -D /libs/
The parameter -D (or --dynamic) displays the dynamic symbols rather than the normal symbols.  (This is only meaningful for dynamic objects, such as certain types of shared libraries.)

We got a huge list which was similar to this

000000000000e6e0 T sudo_SHA512Update
000000000000eb20 T sudo_sig2str
000000000000b970 T sudo_strlcat
000000000000b910 T sudo_strlcpy
0000000000006f60 T sudo_strsplit_v1
00000000000070a0 T sudo_strtobool_v1
0000000000007330 T sudo_strtoid_v1
0000000000007570 T sudo_strtomode_v1
000000000000bb20 T sudo_strtonum
000000000000ac20 T sudo_term_cbreak_v1
000000000000adb0 T sudo_term_copy_v1
000000000021339c B sudo_term_erase
00000000002133a0 B sudo_term_kill
000000000000a920 T sudo_term_noecho_v1
000000000000aa80 T sudo_term_raw_v1
000000000000a860 T sudo_term_restore_v1
00000000000052a0 T sudo_vfatal_nodebug_v1
00000000000052d0 T sudo_vfatalx_nodebug_v1
0000000000005480 T sudo_vwarn_nodebug_v1
00000000000054b0 T sudo_vwarnx_nodebug_v1
00000000000055c0 T sudo_warn_gettext_v1
00000000000052f0 T sudo_warn_nodebug_v1
00000000000055a0 T sudo_warn_set_conversation_v1

We filtered out all elements that had the value T or t on the second column as those objects are symbol in the text (code) section and we found the function call we wanted there!