
C: Code to time execution with accuracy greater than a second

The following application computes the time needed for a process to finish using the method clock().
The result of the application is the time in seconds as a floating number (where 1.0 = 1 second).
It provides greater accuracy than seconds as the estimation is done using processor time used by the program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

int main()

    /* clock_t clock(void)
     The clock() function returns an approximation of processor time used by the program.
     The value returned is the CPU time used so far as a clock_t,
     to get the number of seconds used, divide by CLOCKS_PER_SEC.
     On error it returns -1. */
    const clock_t start = clock();

    /* svoid srand(unsigned int __seed)
     The srand() function sets its argument as the seed for a new sequence of pseudo-random
     integers to be returned by rand(). These sequences are repeatable by calling srand() with the
     same seed value.
     If no seed value is provided, the rand() function is automatically seeded with a value of 1. */
    /* time_t time(time_t *__timer)
     time() returns the time since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), measured in seconds.
     If the __timer variable is not NULL, the return value is also stored there. */
    unsigned long i;
    for (i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
        /* int rand(void)
         The rand() function returns a pseudo-random integer in the range 0 to RAND_MAX inclusive. */
    const clock_t end = clock();

    /* ISO/IEC 9899:1999 7.23.1: Components of time
    The macro `CLOCKS_PER_SEC' is an expression with type `clock_t' that is
    the number per second of the value returned by the `clock' function. */
    /* CAE XSH, Issue 4, Version 2: <time.h>
    The value of CLOCKS_PER_SEC is required to be 1 million on all
    XSI-conformant systems. */
    const float seconds = (float) (end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    printf("Seconds elapsed %f\n", seconds);
    return 0;

C: Read a floating number that might be in the format of scientific notation

This code will read a floating number that might be in the format of scientific notation from the keyboard.
Then it will print out the number with the scientific notation and without it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
  printf("This code will read a floating number that might be in the format of scientific notation from the keyboard.\nThen it will print it out with the scientific notation and without\n");
  double input;
  printf("Enter a number in scientific notation. (e.g. -4e-5 or -4.00e-5 or -4.00e-05 etc.)\n");
  scanf("%lf", &input);
  printf("With scientific notation '%e'\n", input);
  printf("Without scientific notation '%lf'\n", input);
  return 0;


This code will read a floating number that might be in the format of scientific notation from the keyboard.
Then it will print it out with the scientific notation and without
Enter a number in scientific notation. (e.g. -4e-5 or -4.00e-5 or -4.00e-05 etc.)
With scientific notation '4.500000e-10'
Without scientific notation '0.000000'
This code will read a floating number that might be in the format of scientific notation from the keyboard.
Then it will print it out with the scientific notation and without
Enter a number in scientific notation. (e.g. -4e-5 or -4.00e-5 or -4.00e-05 etc.)
With scientific notation '4.500000e-03'
Without scientific notation '0.004500'

asn1c: Generating code using ‘Automatic Tags’ and negative value as default value creates invalid function names

The following post is for the https://lionet.info/asn1c/ (repository: https://github.com/vlm/asn1c/)

When compiling the following ASN.1 data structure


    Coordinates ::= SEQUENCE
        -- latitude from -90 till 90 degrees --
        latitude INTEGER(-9000000..9000000) DEFAULT -8000000,
        -- longitude from -180 till 179.99999 degrees, worst precision 1.1132m at equator --
        longitude INTEGER(-18000000..17999999) DEFAULT -12000000


the use of both the AUTOMATIC TAGS option and the use of a negative value -8000000 in the position of the default value causes asn1c to create invalid function names in the Coordinates object.

For example, the above ASN.1 syntax will produce the following invalid function name int asn_DFL_2_set_-800000(int set_value, void **sptr).

Compilation command for asn1c

From folder asn1c_gps/asn1 we used the following command:

/home/developer/asn1c/asn1c/asn1c -pdu=auto -S /home/developer/asn1c/skeletons/ -fcompound-names -gen-PER ../geography.asn1

Version of asn1c

'ASN.1 Compiler, v0.9.28'


Full example code demonstrating the bug can be found here ([download id=”2544″]).

If you want to use the code and see that all other operations are fine, replace _- with _minus_ in the file Coordinates.c and the code will become valid and usable.

After you perform the above change, you can use the code in main.cpp to see the our cycle of execution that encodes and decodes an object.

asn1c: Decoding an OCTET STRING with lower bound limit on its size fails for uper_decode()

The following post is for the https://lionet.info/asn1c/ (repository: https://github.com/vlm/asn1c/)

Hello guys,

I’ve noticed that when I set a lower bound limit on the size of an octet string, it fails to decode it.
To reproduce this scenario I created a small but full example that is located here([download id=”2539″]).

The example([download id=”2539″]) is an application that uses the code generated by asn1c and has the following behavior:

  1. It will read a name of a file from the command line
  2. read the file to memory
  3. convert it to an octet string using OCTET_STRING_fromBuf()
  4. encode it to an ASN.1 structure using uper_encode_to_new_buffer(), after asn_check_constraints() succeeds
  5. save the encoded data to a file for debugging (same folder as the original file)
  6. decode the buffer from memory using uper_decode()
  7. save the decoded data to a file (same folder as the original file)


To create/view the bug use this ASN1 data structure as input to the asn1c compiler:


 Image ::= SEQUENCE
  data OCTET STRING SIZE (40..81920)


To hide the bug, use:


 Image ::= SEQUENCE
  data OCTET STRING SIZE (0..81920)


The only difference between the two versions is the use of a lower limit constraint on the size of the OCTET string.

Compilation command for asn1c

From folder asn1c_image/asn1 we used the following command:

/home/developer/asn1c/asn1c/asn1c -pdu=auto -S /home/developer/asn1c/skeletons/ -fcompound-names -gen-PER ../images.asn1

Version of asn1c

'ASN.1 Compiler, v0.9.28'


Inside the archive, there are two files [test_01.png, bad_data.bin].

  • test_01.png is larger than 80K so it should always fail.
  • bad_data.bin fails only when there is a lower bound limit on the size

[download id=”2539″]