Ημερήσια αρχεία: 14 Μαρτίου 2018

Cannot verify domain with Yandex when domain is behind CloudFlare 2

Recently we were trying to verify the ownership of a domain through yandex. We tried the CNAME approach which would be more universal and so we added a new CNAME record in the DNS configuration in CloudFlare.

The record had the following configuration:

  • Type: CNAME
  • Name: yamail-dd63c3831dbd
  • Value: mail.yandex.com
  • TTL: Automatic
  • Status: DNS and HTTP proxy (CDN)

We tried several times the verify domain button in https://domain.yandex.com/domain/example.com/ but it kept on failing saying that the CNAME record was not found. Only after we disabled the DNS and HTTP proxy (CDN) did it work.

So in the end, the properly working record was as follows:

  • Type: CNAME
  • Name: yamail-dd63c3831dbd
  • Value: mail.yandex.com
  • TTL: Automatic
  • Status: DNS Only

JetPack: Cannot Verify Site Ownership using pinterest 6

Recently, we tried to verify the ownership of a site running WordPress with JetPack in Pinterest.

As the instructions say, we logged in to Pinterest and visited the settings page to Claim Website paragraph.

Using the meta tag solution we received a code similar to the one below:

<meta name="p:domain_verify" content="8525e3384b3545fb80b9e21f0910de21"/>

When we tried to add the code in the JetPack site verification page (https://example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack#/traffic) we got the following error:
Error updating settings. Invalid parameter(s): pinterest (Status 400).

To resolve the issue, we just added a space character right before the end of the tag /> and our code became:

<meta name="p:domain_verify" content="8525e3384b3545fb80b9e21f0910de21" />

Trying again, it worked properly!