Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot): Cloning a KVM Virtual Machine

After properly installing and creating your first virtual machine, you might want to create a clone for some reason.

To do this we use the command virt-clone as follows:

sudo virt-clone --connect qemu:///system -o coeus -n phoebe -f /home/kvm/2KA.qcow2 -f /home/kvm/zK6.qcow2 --force


  • –connect is used to connect to the hypervisor of the virtual machine, here it is system
  • -o is the original virtual machine name (which is registered with the previous hypervisor)
  • -n is the name of the new virtual machine, the clone (this name will be used to register the clone to the hypervisor)
  • -f the location that the clone will use to store it’s virtual hard drives, can be used as many times as needed (in the above example coeus has two hard disks and that is why we need to provide two -f paramaters)
  • –force prevents interactive prompts and replies ‘yes’ to all yes/no questions

There is more directives that can be provided to the clone manager from which a very important one is the: –mac where you get to define the mac address of the new virtual machine (e.g –mac C0:FF:EE:11:00:11)

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