Fedora 28: Setup RPM Fusion and ffmpeg 1

Recently we wanted to process some media on a Fedora 28, we decided to use ffmpeg which is not part of the default repositories but it can be found in the RPM Fusion repositories. To do so, first we updated our system and enabled the RPM Fusion repositories as follows:

sudo dnf update;

sudo dnf upgrade -y;

sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm;

Then, we updated the system once more so that the information from the new repositories would get downloaded to our system and then we performed the installation of ffmpeg. While installing ffmpeg, since it was the first time that we were using the new repositories we were asked to verify the keys that were imported. We were able to manually verify the keys from this page.

The commands used to install ffmpeg are the following:

sudo dnf update;

sudo dnf install ffmpeg;

Full Installation Log

[xeirwn@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf update
[sudo] password for xeirwn: 
Last metadata expiration check: 1:05:54 ago on Fri 28 Sep 2018 08:48:36 AM EEST.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
[xeirwn@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade -y
Last metadata expiration check: 1:06:13 ago on Fri 28 Sep 2018 08:48:36 AM EEST.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
[xeirwn@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
Last metadata expiration check: 1:06:49 ago on Fri 28 Sep 2018 08:48:36 AM EEST.
rpmfusion-free-release-28.noarch.rpm                                      31 kB/s |  20 kB     00:00    
rpmfusion-nonfree-release-28.noarch.rpm                                   41 kB/s |  21 kB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                              Arch              Version            Repository               Size
 rpmfusion-free-release               noarch            28-1               @commandline             20 k
 rpmfusion-nonfree-release            noarch            28-1               @commandline             21 k

Transaction Summary
Install  2 Packages

Total size: 41 k
Installed size: 18 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                 1/1 
  Installing       : rpmfusion-nonfree-release-28-1.noarch                                           1/2 
  Installing       : rpmfusion-free-release-28-1.noarch                                              2/2 
  Verifying        : rpmfusion-free-release-28-1.noarch                                              1/2 
  Verifying        : rpmfusion-nonfree-release-28-1.noarch                                           2/2 

  rpmfusion-free-release.noarch 28-1                rpmfusion-nonfree-release.noarch 28-1               

[xeirwn@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf update
RPM Fusion for Fedora 28 - Free - Updates                                152 kB/s | 481 kB     00:03    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 28 - Free                                          195 kB/s | 754 kB     00:03    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 28 - Nonfree - Updates                              59 kB/s |  85 kB     00:01    
RPM Fusion for Fedora 28 - Nonfree                                        72 kB/s | 208 kB     00:02    
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:00 ago on Fri 28 Sep 2018 09:56:01 AM EEST.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
[xeirwn@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install ffmpeg
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:01 ago on Fri 28 Sep 2018 09:56:01 AM EEST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package               Arch       Version                               Repository                  Size
 ffmpeg                x86_64     4.0.2-6.fc28                          rpmfusion-free-updates     1.3 M
Installing dependencies:
 clang5.0-libs         x86_64     5.0.1-3.fc28                          fedora                      12 M
 ffmpeg-libs           x86_64     4.0.2-6.fc28                          rpmfusion-free-updates     6.7 M
 hwloc-libs            x86_64     1.11.9-1.fc28                         fedora                     1.6 M
 libaom                x86_64     1.0.0-3.fc28                          updates                    1.2 M
 libass                x86_64     0.13.4-6.fc28                         updates                    104 k
 libavdevice           x86_64     4.0.2-6.fc28                          rpmfusion-free-updates      94 k
 libclc                x86_64     0.2.0-9.git1cb3fbf.fc27               fedora                     7.9 M
 libmfx                x86_64     1.23-3.fc28                           fedora                      35 k
 llvm5.0-libs          x86_64     5.0.1-7.fc28                          fedora                      15 M
 ocl-icd               x86_64     2.2.12-1.fc28                         fedora                      50 k
 opencl-filesystem     noarch     1.0-6.fc27                            fedora                     7.1 k
 opencore-amr          x86_64     0.1.5-3.fc28                          rpmfusion-free             180 k
 vid.stab              x86_64     1.1-4.20170830gitafc8ea9.fc28         fedora                      50 k
 vo-amrwbenc           x86_64     0.1.3-4.fc28                          rpmfusion-free              77 k
 x264-libs             x86_64     0.152-5.20171224gite9a5903.fc28       rpmfusion-free             575 k
 x265-libs             x86_64     2.7-3.fc28                            rpmfusion-free             1.7 M
 xvidcore              x86_64     1.3.5-1.fc28                          rpmfusion-free             268 k
 zvbi                  x86_64     0.2.35-5.fc28                         fedora                     423 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 beignet               x86_64     1.3.2-2.fc28                          fedora                     4.8 M
 mesa-libOpenCL        x86_64     18.0.5-4.fc28                         updates                    350 k
 pocl                  x86_64     1.1-4.fc28                            updates                     13 M

Transaction Summary
Install  22 Packages

Total download size: 67 M
Installed size: 253 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/22): libaom-1.0.0-3.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                   250 kB/s | 1.2 MB     00:05    
(2/22): libmfx-1.23-3.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                     63 kB/s |  35 kB     00:00    
(3/22): ocl-icd-2.2.12-1.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                 180 kB/s |  50 kB     00:00    
(4/22): vid.stab-1.1-4.20170830gitafc8ea9.fc28.x86_64.rpm                 58 kB/s |  50 kB     00:00    
(5/22): zvbi-0.2.35-5.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                    192 kB/s | 423 kB     00:02    
(6/22): ffmpeg-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                   140 kB/s | 1.3 MB     00:09    
(7/22): vo-amrwbenc-0.1.3-4.fc28.x86_64.rpm                               26 kB/s |  77 kB     00:02    
(8/22): opencore-amr-0.1.5-3.fc28.x86_64.rpm                              15 kB/s | 180 kB     00:12    
(9/22): x264-libs-0.152-5.20171224gite9a5903.fc28.x86_64.rpm              65 kB/s | 575 kB     00:08    
(10/22): xvidcore-1.3.5-1.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                 65 kB/s | 268 kB     00:04    
(11/22): libavdevice-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64.rpm                              53 kB/s |  94 kB     00:01    
(12/22): libass-0.13.4-6.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                 141 kB/s | 104 kB     00:00    
(13/22): beignet-1.3.2-2.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                 460 kB/s | 4.8 MB     00:10    
(14/22): x265-libs-2.7-3.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                  87 kB/s | 1.7 MB     00:20    
(15/22): clang5.0-libs-5.0.1-3.fc28.x86_64.rpm                           506 kB/s |  12 MB     00:23    
(16/22): opencl-filesystem-1.0-6.fc27.noarch.rpm                          54 kB/s | 7.1 kB     00:00    
(17/22): ffmpeg-libs-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64.rpm                             107 kB/s | 6.7 MB     01:04    
(18/22): hwloc-libs-1.11.9-1.fc28.x86_64.rpm                             343 kB/s | 1.6 MB     00:04    
(19/22): mesa-libOpenCL-18.0.5-4.fc28.x86_64.rpm                         225 kB/s | 350 kB     00:01    
(20/22): llvm5.0-libs-5.0.1-7.fc28.x86_64.rpm                            412 kB/s |  15 MB     00:36    
(21/22): libclc-0.2.0-9.git1cb3fbf.fc27.x86_64.rpm                       544 kB/s | 7.9 MB     00:14    
(22/22): pocl-1.1-4.fc28.x86_64.rpm                                      390 kB/s |  13 MB     00:34    
Total                                                                    685 kB/s |  67 MB     01:39     
warning: /var/cache/dnf/rpmfusion-free-updates-18aab6236926d6fd/packages/ffmpeg-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 09eab3f2: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0x09EAB3F2:
 Userid     : "RPM Fusion free repository for Fedora (28) <[email protected]>"
 Fingerprint: 3424 9D2C B375 8B55 48E2 874F C08D 3269 09EA B3F2
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-free-fedora-28
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                 1/1 
  Installing       : opencl-filesystem-1.0-6.fc27.noarch                                            1/22 
  Installing       : llvm5.0-libs-5.0.1-7.fc28.x86_64                                               2/22 
  Running scriptlet: llvm5.0-libs-5.0.1-7.fc28.x86_64                                               2/22 
  Installing       : clang5.0-libs-5.0.1-3.fc28.x86_64                                              3/22 
  Installing       : beignet-1.3.2-2.fc28.x86_64                                                    4/22 
  Installing       : libclc-0.2.0-9.git1cb3fbf.fc27.x86_64                                          5/22 
  Installing       : hwloc-libs-1.11.9-1.fc28.x86_64                                                6/22 
  Installing       : pocl-1.1-4.fc28.x86_64                                                         7/22 
  Installing       : mesa-libOpenCL-18.0.5-4.fc28.x86_64                                            8/22 
  Running scriptlet: mesa-libOpenCL-18.0.5-4.fc28.x86_64                                            8/22 
  Installing       : ocl-icd-2.2.12-1.fc28.x86_64                                                   9/22 
  Running scriptlet: ocl-icd-2.2.12-1.fc28.x86_64                                                   9/22 
  Installing       : libass-0.13.4-6.fc28.x86_64                                                   10/22 
  Installing       : xvidcore-1.3.5-1.fc28.x86_64                                                  11/22 
  Installing       : x265-libs-2.7-3.fc28.x86_64                                                   12/22 
  Installing       : x264-libs-0.152-5.20171224gite9a5903.fc28.x86_64                              13/22 
  Running scriptlet: x264-libs-0.152-5.20171224gite9a5903.fc28.x86_64                              13/22 
  Installing       : vo-amrwbenc-0.1.3-4.fc28.x86_64                                               14/22 
  Running scriptlet: vo-amrwbenc-0.1.3-4.fc28.x86_64                                               14/22 
  Installing       : opencore-amr-0.1.5-3.fc28.x86_64                                              15/22 
  Running scriptlet: opencore-amr-0.1.5-3.fc28.x86_64                                              15/22 
  Installing       : zvbi-0.2.35-5.fc28.x86_64                                                     16/22 
  Running scriptlet: zvbi-0.2.35-5.fc28.x86_64                                                     16/22 
  Installing       : vid.stab-1.1-4.20170830gitafc8ea9.fc28.x86_64                                 17/22 
  Running scriptlet: vid.stab-1.1-4.20170830gitafc8ea9.fc28.x86_64                                 17/22 
  Installing       : libmfx-1.23-3.fc28.x86_64                                                     18/22 
  Running scriptlet: libmfx-1.23-3.fc28.x86_64                                                     18/22 
  Installing       : libaom-1.0.0-3.fc28.x86_64                                                    19/22 
  Installing       : ffmpeg-libs-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                               20/22 
  Running scriptlet: ffmpeg-libs-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                               20/22 
  Installing       : libavdevice-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                               21/22 
  Running scriptlet: libavdevice-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                               21/22 
  Installing       : ffmpeg-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                                    22/22 
  Running scriptlet: ffmpeg-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                                    22/22 
  Verifying        : ffmpeg-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                                     1/22 
  Verifying        : ffmpeg-libs-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                                2/22 
  Verifying        : libaom-1.0.0-3.fc28.x86_64                                                     3/22 
  Verifying        : libmfx-1.23-3.fc28.x86_64                                                      4/22 
  Verifying        : ocl-icd-2.2.12-1.fc28.x86_64                                                   5/22 
  Verifying        : vid.stab-1.1-4.20170830gitafc8ea9.fc28.x86_64                                  6/22 
  Verifying        : zvbi-0.2.35-5.fc28.x86_64                                                      7/22 
  Verifying        : opencore-amr-0.1.5-3.fc28.x86_64                                               8/22 
  Verifying        : vo-amrwbenc-0.1.3-4.fc28.x86_64                                                9/22 
  Verifying        : x264-libs-0.152-5.20171224gite9a5903.fc28.x86_64                              10/22 
  Verifying        : x265-libs-2.7-3.fc28.x86_64                                                   11/22 
  Verifying        : xvidcore-1.3.5-1.fc28.x86_64                                                  12/22 
  Verifying        : libavdevice-4.0.2-6.fc28.x86_64                                               13/22 
  Verifying        : libass-0.13.4-6.fc28.x86_64                                                   14/22 
  Verifying        : beignet-1.3.2-2.fc28.x86_64                                                   15/22 
  Verifying        : clang5.0-libs-5.0.1-3.fc28.x86_64                                             16/22 
  Verifying        : llvm5.0-libs-5.0.1-7.fc28.x86_64                                              17/22 
  Verifying        : opencl-filesystem-1.0-6.fc27.noarch                                           18/22 
  Verifying        : pocl-1.1-4.fc28.x86_64                                                        19/22 
  Verifying        : hwloc-libs-1.11.9-1.fc28.x86_64                                               20/22 
  Verifying        : mesa-libOpenCL-18.0.5-4.fc28.x86_64                                           21/22 
  Verifying        : libclc-0.2.0-9.git1cb3fbf.fc27.x86_64                                         22/22 

  ffmpeg.x86_64 4.0.2-6.fc28                                  beignet.x86_64 1.3.2-2.fc28                
  mesa-libOpenCL.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28                         pocl.x86_64 1.1-4.fc28                     
  clang5.0-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-3.fc28                           ffmpeg-libs.x86_64 4.0.2-6.fc28            
  hwloc-libs.x86_64 1.11.9-1.fc28                             libaom.x86_64 1.0.0-3.fc28                 
  libass.x86_64 0.13.4-6.fc28                                 libavdevice.x86_64 4.0.2-6.fc28            
  libclc.x86_64 0.2.0-9.git1cb3fbf.fc27                       libmfx.x86_64 1.23-3.fc28                  
  llvm5.0-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-7.fc28                            ocl-icd.x86_64 2.2.12-1.fc28               
  opencl-filesystem.noarch 1.0-6.fc27                         opencore-amr.x86_64 0.1.5-3.fc28           
  vid.stab.x86_64 1.1-4.20170830gitafc8ea9.fc28               vo-amrwbenc.x86_64 0.1.3-4.fc28            
  x264-libs.x86_64 0.152-5.20171224gite9a5903.fc28            x265-libs.x86_64 2.7-3.fc28                
  xvidcore.x86_64 1.3.5-1.fc28                                zvbi.x86_64 0.2.35-5.fc28                  


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