Μηνιαία αρχεία: Ιανουάριος 2018

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Qubes OS 3.2: Resize fedora-23 TemplateVM Root Image 1

Recently, we needed to increase the size of the root image for the fedora-23 TemplateVM.
We had to do this as we wanted to install in /opt a few IDEs, including android-studio which takes a lot of space when accompanied by the Android SDK.

Following the excellent guide at https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/resize-root-disk-image/, we did the following:

  1. Made sure that the fedora-23 TemplateVM and all VMs based on that template were shut down.
    This included stopping the sys-firewall and sys-net VMs as well (in this order).
  2. Then, in the VM Settings window at the Basic tab for the fedora-23 TemplateVM, we disabled the networking by selecting none on the NetVM: drop-down list and pressed OK to apply the settings changes.
  3. Following, in dom0 Terminal Emulator we run the following command:
    truncate -s 40G /var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/fedora-23/root.img;
  4. Afterwards we started the fedora-23 TemplateVM and run the following in the terminal:
    sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/dmroot;
    Please note that if your output is Nothing to do! then most likely you forgot a VM that is based on the fedora-23 TemplateVM running. Normally your screen should print something along the lines of Resizing the filesystem...
  5. Next, we shut down the fedora-23 TemplateVM, and went to the VM Settings window to enable networking by selecting whatever we had there before (for us it was default (sys-firewall)).
  6. Finally, we could start using our VMs, their root.img were of the new extended size.

LibreOffice Calc: get the distinct/unique values in a column or a list of elements 4

These videos demonstrate how to get the distinct/unique values in a column or a list of elements in LibreOffice Calc.

Procedure to get the distinct values in a column or a list of elements:

  1. Select the column (or the list of data) that you want to process
  2. Click on the top menu Data
    then click on the option group More Filters
    and finally on the option Standard Filter...
  3. In the new window, change the Field Name on the first row to - none -
  4. Click on the Options label and enable the No duplications checkbox
  5. Finally press the OK button

Video demonstrating how to get the distinct values in a column:

Video demonstrating how to get the distinct values in a list of elements: