Κυπριακός Σύνδεσμος Πληροφορικής

ACM ICPC – Cyprus National Competition 2019

On the 8th of June, the Cyprus National ACM ICPC programming competition was held at the premises of the University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus in Pyla.

The competition was co-organized by all major academic institutions in Cyprus under the auspices of the Cyprus Computer Society. The participating Universities (in alphabetic order) were the following:

  • Cyprus University of Technology
  • European University Cyprus
  • Frederick University
  • Open University of Cyprus
  • UCLan, Cyprus
  • University of Cyprus
  • University of Nicosia

The technical aspects of the competition were held up to the standards of the International Olympiad in Informatics using an automated grading environment with live feedback for the contestants.

In total the competitions hosted 8 teams of 4 members (3 contestants and one mentor). 5 problems were given to the contestants to solve in a competition that lasted 3 hours.

Thanks to the work of the Organizing Committee and especially the efforts by Dr. Josephina Antoniou the competition was successfully completed without any issues.

Tasks [Balkan Olympiad in Informatics 2016]

Day 1

  • [download id=”4588″]
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Day 2

  • [download id=”4586″]
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  • [download id=”4604″]
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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – Innovation and Challenges

The IEEE and the Cyprus Computer Society present the state of art of drone technologies and applications.

3 October 2017
University of Cyprus
Building KOD 07, Room 10
Starts at 17.00
Free Food and Drinks


  • [download id=”3817″]
  • [download id=”3824″]

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  • Presentations on the state of art of drone technologies & applications
  • Drone Piloting
  • Prize draw for IEEE student members:
    One-day piloting course worth €250, by DJI Cyprus


  • 17:00-17:25: “UAV in Emergency Response: Research and Innovation Challenges”
    Dr. Panayiotis Kolios, KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence
  • 17:25-18:15: “Demonstration of UAV automated functionalities”
    Mr. Petros Petrides, KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence
  • 18:15-18:30: Coffee break
  • 18:30-18:50: “Regulations on drone aviation in Cyprus”
    Mr. Marios Louka, DJI Cyprus
  • 18:50-19:10: “Monitoring Power Systems Lines using Drones”
    Mr. Costas Stasopoulos, EAC, IEEE Region 8 Past-Director
  • 19:10-19:15: “Contribution of Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) in Cyprus”
    Mr. Costas Agrotis, CCS Chairman
  • 19:15-19.30: “Introduction of IEEE: Its Vision and Role”
    Mr. Nicos Michaelides, CYTA, IEEE Cyprus Section Chair
  • 19:30: Drinks and snacks @ U-Pub – Prize draw for IEEE student members

[download id=”3742″]

[download id=”3743″]

Digital Innovation with APIs

The CCS is organizing the following Open Seminar on Current International Technology Trends:

Presentation Title: Digital Innovation with APIs
Speaker: Saad Syed, Google
Date/Time: June 28th 2017 , 17:00-18:30 (16:30-17:00 Welcome Coffee & Registration )
Place: European University Cyprus, Room 208, 2nd, East Block

Free Admission – Registration is required
[download id=”3490″]

Open Seminars On Current International Technology Trends Series: Digital Innovation With APIs

APIs are the foundation for many Digital Native applications. Find out how this important capability will allow you to be more agile, build innovative new products/services and leverage the power of collaboration beyond your organization.

Saad Syed is the Regional Lead for Google Edge Southern EMEA. He is responsible for the Apigee API Management solution set in the region. He has worked extensively with many Leading institutions in the region on their Digital Transformation initiatives. Prior to Google Saad was the Regional Leader for Data Center at Cisco Systems for Middle East Turkey Russia and Africa.

Seminar Target Group

  • Innovators
  • Developers
  • Engineers
  • ICT Companies
  • Telecom Companies
  • Banks
  • Insurance Companies
  • Students And Professors

Free Admission – Registration is required
[download id=”3490″]