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How to speed up Youtube videos more than 2x


Using the playbackRate command to adjust video playback speed on YouTube slightly differs from using it on a standard HTML video element. This is because YouTube uses its player interface, built on top of the HTML5 video API but includes additional features and customizations.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the playbackRate command on YouTube:

Open YouTube and Select a Video: Navigate to YouTube and open the video you want to adjust.

Access the Browser Console:

Use the Correct JavaScript Command:

document.querySelector('video').playbackRate = X;

For regular use, the built-in speed settings in the YouTube player (accessible via the gear icon in the player controls) are the recommended and easiest method to change playback speed. They provide a range of speed options in a user-friendly manner without the need for coding or console commands.

Understanding the playbackRate Command in JavaScript

document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].playbackRate = X;

In the dynamic world of web development, JavaScript stands as a cornerstone technology, enabling developers and users to interact with web content in powerful ways. Among its many features is the ability to control video playback on web pages. This blog post delves into one such aspect: using the playbackRate command to control the speed of video playback.

What is playbackRate?

The playbackRate property in JavaScript is a feature of the HTML5 Video API. It allows developers to change the speed at which a video plays on a web page. The command document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].playbackRate = X; is a practical implementation of this feature.

Breaking Down the Command

Practical Use Cases

How to Implement

  1. Identify the Video: Ensure the video element is correctly targeted, especially in pages with multiple videos.
  2. Set the Playback Speed: Assign the desired speed to playbackRate. For example, document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].playbackRate = 1.5; speeds up the first video by 50%.
  3. Test and Debug: Verify that the speed adjustment works across different browsers and devices.

Best Practices


The playbackRate property in JavaScript offers a simple yet powerful tool for enhancing the video viewing experience on web pages. By understanding and utilizing this command, developers can provide more dynamic and user-friendly web applications. Whether it’s for educational purposes, accessibility, or just personal preference, the ability to control video playback speed is an invaluable feature in today’s web landscape.

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