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How we create bootable GNU/Linux USB flash drives from terminal


A very important tool in our everyday life are the LiveUSB GNU/Linux flash drives.
We keep an updated collection of several GNU/Linux flavors/distributions (Fedora, CentOS, (L/X)Ubuntu, Kali etc.) that are used depending on the scenario.

The command we use is the following:

sudo dd bs=4M if=path/to/OS.iso of=/dev/sdX conv=fdatasync;

dd allows you to convert and copy a file and we use it to copy the ISO file of the operating system onto the USB flash drive.


  1. You need to unmount the USB flash drive before formatting it, e.g.:
    sudo umount /dev/sdXY;
  2. You need to use the device filename and not a partition filename:
    e.g. You need to use /dev/sdX and NOT /dev/sdX1
  3. You need to use either the root account or execute the command with sudo
  4. If you do not know the filename associated with your flash drive, use an application like the following ones to determine which /dev file is mapped to the USB flash drive:
    gnome-disks; or
    lsblk; or
    sudo fdisk -l;

The parameters we use are the following:

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