Daily Archives: 22 February 2012

Debugging Trick Using Variadic Macros in C and C++

Following you can find a very practical trick that allows you to enable/disable all prints to the screen with as little effort as possible while not dramatically increasing the overall code size to do this.

For C:  Place on the top of your code or on a header file the following:


    #define XDEBUG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define XDEBUG(...)  /**/

and then inside the code whenever you want to print some debug information do as follows:

XDEBUG("Max Weight %d, Total Trips %d\n", minMax, trips);

For C++:  Place on the top of your code or on a header file the following:


    #define XDEBUG cout
    #define XDEBUG if(0) cerr

and then inside the code whenever you want to print some debug information do as follows:

XDEBUG << "We got " << disks << " disks\n";